(1) Here we go...

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Hmm, highly tempted to put a quote here seeing as I have no clue how to begin.

Some Pretentious Individual™ once said- Aah, nope. Not going to do that to you guys.

Heyo, I'm Yggdrasil, though you can call me Jessica or Jess - I really have no preference. I can be summed up as a sensitive lil' highschooler. Barely a highschooler, actually. I'm relatively short at 5'3", so just imagine a small Asian girl hanging over the side of her bed. 

I'm a writer, artist, choir-dweller, overachiever, and a casual workaholic (I scored 82/100 on the CNN workaholic test and they told me I was NOT okay...). I'm in quite a few fandoms, but there's no point in naming them all because that list will only grow... I have more OCs than I can pay attention to and more ideas I have time to draw...

But on other days, my creativity and imagination hold hands and walk off a cliff, and that's the sort of state I find myself in whilst typing this. 

You'll see a lot of free designs, gachas, YCHs, and other options here. This book is mostly for me to share my artwork and develop it. I'll also talk about little aspects of my life I feel like sharing and talking... in general. Who knows? I've had this account for more than a month so I might as well do something with it.


Well, you should know that the real reason this is happening is because I have this hefty piece of World Cultures homework I'm deftly avoiding. 

Artwork @me

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