It's a crappy WORLD lived by crappier people

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Location: CAMPKER residency                                                                                                                      Mood: TOO happy

  "You can dance!", I shouted/singed  at the top of my lungs to the ABBA song 'dancing queen' as Luke muttered something under his breath, me and Riley kept singing and dancing like crazy, its a Saturday, so we took the afternoon off, to do 'crazy' stuff( we got drunk...PS: kids drink responsibly, but if you do decide to drink crazily get a Luke, we hired him[he's not getting paid] to be our babysitter)

  after good hours of weird dance moves and a bunch  of  alcohol, me and Riley made the grand 'finalli' which contained a lot of wiggling and swinging and finally super spy poses and jazz hands to which Luke rolled his eyes at, so hard I thought his eyes would get stuck.

  Me and Riley fell on the floor laughing hard  because of our current state which was drunk, for some unknown reason I feel like the world is sort of roundish, lemme' just lay here on this hard not comfortable floor.

"Destiny, stand up and stop talking to yourself- Riley put that down!"

"Huh...someone's on a bad mood", I said to my babysitter,Luke.

"Babysitter, I want milk!", I whined while pouting," I pout *hiccup* we pout*hiccup* us pout...HIHIHIHI us pout Ah! I'm the funniest!", I said hitting the floor, ugh warm hands, "I'm not your babysitter and help me and stand up.", babysitter said while trying to help me stand up.

  I held my hand up to him and he immediately let go off me, " Bad babysitter!", I sort of said world is crappy lived by crappier people, bitch I'm out.

Luke's P.O.V

  He's eyes shined as he looked at the girl he loved so much crazily drunk, now passed out on the floor, this is what you get for falling for a crazy girl , he pulled her up and carried her, bridal style, to her room, gently laid her on the bed, put her inside the covers, gently like she's too fragile and can break in any moment, he is doing it again, he thought, falling for her, again.

 He laid a soft kiss on her forehead and walked slowly to the door then looked back at her,

  Damn, I was such a fool for ever leaving this wonderful woman.

Now i got to deal with my crazy twin, who is probably asleep or something.

 And just like he had thought, she had fallen passed out on the floor, the vodka bottle in her hand, probably trying to drink more, moron , he did what he had done to Destiny and except the forehead kiss, but then he regretted it and kissed his twin and forever best friend in the forehead.

 He then proceeded to go watch a movie, then after a few minutes also started  falling asleep on the coach, thinking of how fun it would be to watch Riley and D with a handover tomorrow...

Destiny's P.O.V

   I woke up on my bed, fully clothed, Ugh thank God,  my headaches, my stomach feels weird and what the hell is that smell and...ugh... whose singing, God my ears.

 I abruptly stood up and walked out of my room, hopping its Sunday, I can not miss class , I check the calendar as I pass the hall to the kitchen and thank god its Sunday, 

  I reach the kitchen and spot a happily singing and cooking Luke, my ears goddd, this boy couldn't even sing to survive... 

 " Luke shush the fuck up!" 

He sang even louder then chuckled and said " Good morning sunshine, or should I say grumpy 60 year old man."

"Go bug someone else.", I said sticking my tongue out " And who left these open, I'm on my vampire state, I can't afford sunlight right now." ,  I sort of ran, sort of walked  and closed the windows, trapping all sunlight.

  I sat on one of the stools on the kitchen island as Luke stood bare chested in-front of me , with his back turned to me, as he whistled softly, which for some reasons his whistles did not bother me, OK  I have to admit his back is the sexiest back I have ever seen, I bit my lip as I thought of it... 

 "STOP WHISTLING!", shouted a very angry Riley, from her room. 

"Good morning to you too, how do you feel? oh I feel -"

"Nobody cares Luke.", I interrupted in a bored tone,

 "'Nobody cares' Ugh , I'm here cooking my hands off for you , TWO, and this is how you repay me?"

"Oh my... sorry mom.", I said rolling my eyes at Luke's little act.

 "Your such an ungrateful child you know."

"Your such an annoying old lady."

"Your an old lady!",he said.

"No you are!"

"Shush you two, your both old, ugly and extremely loud old people and  don't you guys know how to speak properly for like three minutes at least!", said Riley who appeared from nowhere.

  Luke set three plates of fried egg and a bunch of other stuff I couldn't tell because as soon as I saw the eggs I felt bills raise up my throat, uncontrollably, and I sprinted as fast as I could to the washroom and vomited everything off and soon heard Riley roar as Luke shouted for her to grab a plastic and not vomit on the floor.

"That's what you get for cooking so poorly mamma!", I shout back.

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