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I sat on my front porch smoking a blunt as Justin played in the yard. I saw Angel's car pull up and she got out. I mentally rolled my eyes. "Hey Des" She said walking up the steps. "You ain't say hey to Justin" I said then took a hit. "He looked busy" she said sitting in the chair next to me. I pulled out my phone and tried to FaceTime Clover but she didn't answer. "You calling Clover" Angel asked and I nodded. "I don't really like her" she said and I looked at her. "You don't know her" I said. "You don't know her" she said. "You haven't tried to get to know her. I have and I know she's real" I said as the bus rode by. "Well I just don't get a good vibe from her" she said. "A you blowing my high chill the fuck out" I said blowing out smoke.

"Well I have some news then" she said. "What's up" I asked. Justin took off running down the street. I put my blunt down and ran after him. When I caught up to him he was in Clover's arm. "Hey" she said tickling him as he laughed. I grabbed him out of her arms and beat his ass as he cried. "You keep your ass in front that house. Take off running again and I'll beat your ass again" I said as he screamed. "Shut up" I said. "Clover. What are you doing out here" I asked. "Jason lives here" she said pointing to the house we were in front of. "I called you" I said. "I Uh my phone broke" she said rubbing Justin's back. "Fr let me see" I said holding my hand out. She handed me her cracked phone. "It's still usable" I said examining it. She shrugged and picked up Justin. I looked back at my house to see Angel gone but her car still outside. "Fuck. Come on Justin. Let Clover go handle her business" I said. "I wanna stay" he cried. "You can come back after your nap" I said grabbing him. He laid his head on my shoulder and I kissed Clovers cheek. She walked to Jason's house as I turned to walk home.

I walked in my house and put Jason in his bed. I locked the front door and made sure everything was straight. Then I walked in my room and heard the sink running in the bathroom. I walked in the bathroom and Angel was crying. "What's wrong A" I asked. "I want a baby Destin" she cried. "Well find a man to have a baby with" I said. "I can't. I've been trying and I can't" she cried. "Well adopt" I said. "Can I have your baby" she asked. "You want Justin" I asked. "No I want my own baby" she said suddenly not crying anymore. "I don't know about that Angel. I got a girl and that's not going to look right" I said. "Please. I won't tell her it's your baby. Y'all probably won't last long anyways" she said. "See nah. I told you about that" I said. "I'm sorry" she said. "Nah it's time to go" I said walking out. "I'm just trying to make sure you straight because I'm your best friend. Your happiness matters. Mine should matter to you and a baby would make me happy" she said. "First of all Clover makes me happy. Second of all why don't you go to a sperm bank" I said. "I'm leaving" she said walking out. I heard the front door shut and I laid in my bed.

After ten minutes I got up and went outside. I sat on my porch smoking. I looked down the street to see Clover walk outside to a car. Some guy stepped out and they started talking. I just sat there watching them talk. Then the conversation started to look heated. I slowly got up and started to make my way over. Then I saw him smack her to the ground. I ran over to them and pushed him out of the way. "Hey don't be putting your hands on her man" I yelled. "This your boyfriend Clover" he asked as I helped her up. "Did you tell him about me" he asked. She just glared at him. "Did you tell him when we fucked all night" he asked and I felt my blood begin to boil. "No I didn't tell him how you raped me" she yelled. "It's not rape if you like it" he said. "Yo who the fuck are you" I yelled. "Detective Black" he said. "You're a cop and you out here hitting women and rapping them" I asked. "I'll rape your ass too" he said getting in his truck. "I want to see you try bitch" I yelled as he pulled off.

"You good" I asked Clover. "We need to talk" she said. "About what" I asked. "I'm moving" she said.

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