Chapter 14

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knock knock

God I feel like I'm homeless or something. Oh wait...

"Who is- oh, hey Maya! What're you up to tonight?"

Maya didn't even answer, she just ran into Farkle's house.

"You're not going anywhere this week, are you?" Maya asked, with worry in her eyes.

"Are you kidding? It's the middle of the week! I've got studying to do!" He answered. Maya's face still had a worried expression on it. Farkle noticed.

"You okay, Maya? You look a little.... stressed."

Maya scoffed. "It's that noticeable? Well, yea, genius I am, I'm stressed as fuck." Farkle looked hurt at her comment.

"Look I'm sorry, Farkle. I just.... I need to spend the night. Just the night! No more, I just need to get my mind off of things."

"Off of what?"

Off of Riley.

"Just some things happened these past 2 days, I just can't"-

"Don't you have your own home?" Farkle immediately regretted asking that when he noticed Maya's eyes start to water.

She looked down at the floor and said, her voice so soft you could hardly hear her, "Not anymore." She sniffled and tears strolled down her face.

"Hey hey hey, don't cry. You can spend as many nights as you need to, Maya, okay?" Farkle hugged Maya and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Thanks Farkle. You're a great friend."


"What did you just say?"

Riley immediately regretted ever saying anything to anyone. Now her mom knows that she's either bisexual or gay.

Get ready for death, Riley.

"Mom, this is gonna be really hard for me to tell you..."

Topanga looked at her with wide eyes. "Tell me what?"

Riley sat on her bed, looked down and sighed. "Mom.... I'm gay."

Topanga gasped. She couldn't believe her ears. After all she's taught Riley? After everything she's done for her? She decides to be gay?

Riley spoke like she read Topanga's mind. "Mom. I didn't choose this. I was destined to be with..." Riley forgot about Maya for a second. She started to cry.

"I'm destined to be with Maya! It's Maya! It's always been Maya since day one!"

With that, Riley went to run out of her room when Topanga stopped her. Riley looked at her mother, scared out of her mind.

But when she looked at Topanga, she wasn't mad. Her face was soft.

"Riley. Sweetheart, you're just in a phase. This will all end and when you're with Maya, what will do? She'll break your heart."

Riley was infuriated.

She grabbed her college savings jar and her jacket and ran out of her room past Topanga.

She ran out of the house crying, but she knew this was the right thing to do.

The only thing to do.


Maya was at Farkle's sleeping on his couch. Well, she wasn't exactly sleeping.

She couldn't sleep, all she could think about was Riley. And then she started hearing things again.

Riley doesn't love you anymore you know, right?

You're worthless, that's why she hates you now.

She'll never come back to you.

You know what she meant by "the Maya I knew?" She meant that she doesn't love who you are. Who you are sucks.

Who you are should just die.

YOU should just die.

"SHUT UP!!" Maya screamed and heard Farkle running down the stairs.

"What's wrong? A-are you hurt? Are you okay?" He asked frantically.

"Yea... yea I'm okay. Thanks for letting me stay Farkle, but I have to leave." She started as she got up and changed out of Farkle's big clothes and into her own. She chuckled when Farkle turned around to avoid watching her changing.

As he was turned around he asked, "It's 1am, Maya. Why are you leaving now?"

"It's complicated, Farkle. I wish I could explain but I don't feel like thinking about it right now. Maybe we could catch up soon." Maya said when she finished changing. Little did Farkle know, there would be no soon.

Well, that's what Maya thought.

"Yea," He began as he turned around. "That'd be great."

He smiled and hugged Maya, and she hugged back. Then she walked out the door and waved and smiled. But she wasn't happy. Far from it.

Meant To Be...(rilaya)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu