Chapter 6

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The next day, Maya was at her locker and Riley walked up to her. She didn't hurt Maya this time, or anything, she just whispered in Maya's ear, "We need to talk about what happened yesterday, Maya. We can't just act like it didn't happen."

Maya closed her locker and started to walk away. Riley quickly turned her around and they were face to face once again.

"We're talking about it. Right now."

Maya responded, "We're gonna be late to class." Riley laughed. "Since when did you ever care about that?"

Maya sighed and walked down the stairs into a little hole in between both sets of stairs. Maya dragged herself onto the floor, leaning on the wall.

"Riley. I like you. I've always liked you. But I can't like you."

Riley was quiet for a while and then spoke. "You've liked me for how long, Maya?" "Ever since we met, actually." Maya answered.

Riley started tearing. "This whole time I was such a bitch to you, you let me because you liked me?" Maya nodded.

"That why. But we can't be together. My father would actually kill me and I know your parents are homophobic. We need to continue from where we left off 2 days ago. Okay?" Maya looked over and Riley had her head down. She sat next to Maya.

"No. I'm not hurting you anymore. I've already caused you enough pain. I don't know what happened yesterday but I know that I like you. I just don't know in what way yet." Riley said.

Maya put her hand on Riley's leg and sighed. "We'll be okay. We will. I promise. I'll give you time to figure out your feelings. I'm sorry for liking you. For pushing you."

Riley touched Maya's hand and said sternly, "Maya Hart don't you ever apologize to me for feeling. I don't know how I like you yet, but you can bet on your life that I'll love you either way. Okay?"

With that she got up and left Maya sitting on the floor. She'd be late to class but she didn't care. She wouldn't be hurt by Riley anymore.


Meant To Be...(rilaya)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang