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I'm walking. I don't know we're though. It's dark and my breathes are getting shorter with each step i take. With each step there's a crunch of a leaf breaking under my big feet. crunch crunch crunch. My big elephant feet. I can't even hide without insecurities doing their own thing. Crunch crunch crunch. My Stan Smith adidas that are a half size to big break sticks and leaves. My breath leaving my body. Crunch crunch crunch. I'm moving faster. I'm anxious. Somebody's following me. Crunch crunch crunch. I'm running and slipping across the grass. I look back and see a faceless man just standing there. I try and scream but I'm in capable of breathing anymore. Mom was right. My lungs aren't good enough to be outside. The thing is, with my lungs , you can't do anything. You can't run, stand up quickly , walk fast , or simply do a thing physical. Crunch crunch crunch. I fall to the floor and give up. Wherever i am , I'm at peace. Laying on the floor. Crunch crunch crunch. The mans getting closer to my tired , breathless body. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Moms last word were to not give up but here i am , giving up. Letting the air leave my body as the man arrives at my body. Warm tears drip down my face as he starts to drag me. I️ gave up. I disobeyed my mom again. The reason she's gone is because I️ disobeyed her. The reason I'm here, being dragged into the unknown is my fault. If i would have listened , I️ wouldn't be here. Crunch. My body breaks more leaves. I struggle a little bit as he drags me. I begin to think of young me, innocent , sweet, tired and incapable of breathing with out a tube in my young throat. Fuck. Once again , ruing my self. I'm being dragged and I'm thinking about my childhood ? Breathing tubes shoved into my throat every time i cough blood. Missing school for months at a time ?? Being told I'm not gonna live past my early 20's? Maybe i should give up. I close my eyes and let him take me. I'm at peace with myself. I'm accepting the fact that this could be the end of me.

I gain a burst of energy.  I try to grab something to fight this faceless being off. My stiff arms. I have no hope. I spot a flimsy tree and grab it quickly. He pulls me right off it and my head drags against the dirt. I pass out.

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