July 28

15 1 0

Maddies pow:

It's the 28th of July and I'm sitting in school. Believe me I'm not enjoying it. Every summer we have 2 days when we have to go to school, to help in repainting the walls of the classrooms and to help in decorating. I don't want to work because I'm lazy as hell, and I don't want to cover my clothes in paint. I don't even understand why we have to do this.
"Hey babe you zoned out" my boyfriend said, that snapped me out of thinking. "Oh I was just wondering why we have to do this shit" I looked into his beautiful eyes. He smiled down at me. "Babe you know we don't have to do anything. Only the losers have to work. Come, let's talk to the others in the cafeteria" he started to walk and I followed him. When we entered the canteen, we got so many stares from people. Thats what happens when you are popular. As we walked to our table, we got happy, sad, worried, angry, surprised, excited and even discusted looks. "Hey Maddie" my bestie shouted as she hugged me. "I missed you so much. How was your holiday in Spain?" She asked me as we sat down. "It was wonderful. The food, the shops and the hotel were all amazing." I smiled at her. "And yours?" I asked. "It wasn't that bad. I tell you all about it later" she cheered. Sabrina was my best friend. We were besties since kindergarten. "Okay girls we should probably go back to the classroom, and imitate that we are working" my boyfriend Gabe said. We exited the cafeteria, talking about our summers.

Later on that night:

I heard my door opening at the middle of the night. I turned my head to the doors direction, to see my sister Paige standing there, crying. "Hey Paige what's wrond honey?" I sat up in my bed. "I had a bad dream. I dreamt that there was a big big monster chasing me. It was so scary" her voice cracked at the end of the sentence and she started to cry again. "Can I sleep here tonight?" She wispered and I had to move closer to hear her. "Of coure baby. Come" I patted the bed next to me. She climbed into the bed, and after a couple of minutes, she was a sleep in my arms.

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