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Draco Malfoy

How dare she spit those disgusting words out like they were the truth!? Well, of course she was right, she always has been, the insufferable little know-it-all. Bloody Merlin could she get under my skin, the hate that filled her eyes as she spoke was mocking me. Demanding that I knew of her share of hate, the blaze in her eyes was hard to miss.

Though I do think I deserved it, after what I had said to her.. but not to that extent. After she had stormed off I didn't know what to do, I watched her turn the corner and then it hit me, the bloody witch!

I spun around on my heels and slammed my fist into the closest wall, I sucked a sharp breath in as I felt the skin of my knuckles rip apart. The familiar warmth trickling down my hand and dropping onto the floor beneath me, I brought the now injured hand to my eye level and examined my damage.

Trying to control my irregular breathing rate, I pushed open Blaise's office door and strolled in. He was sat at his desk with music blaring through headphones, walking toward his unknowing frame I sat down at the available chair. The noise of my body hitting the chair was enough to capture his attention, bringing his arm up to his ears, he removed the devices from them and gave me a quizzical look. I watched as his brown orbs travelled to my bloody and bruised hand.

"What the bloody hell happened to your hand?" I gave a shrug of the shoulders and lazily replied with a bleak sentence of "I got into a fight with the wall."

"I can see that mate, looks like the wall won though. But why?" He let out a chuckle, with an unimpressed scowl on my face I shifted my eyes to look at my best friend, letting out a huff of air I simply said I didn't want to talk about it and having half the brain he does, he left it at that.

Thankful that he didn't press further on the situation, I moved the conversation onto the infamous capture of Barnabas Woodsjung. After saying the criminal's name, I saw the light in Blaise's eyes shine, he really got into this sort of thing. It makes me wonder why he never joined as an auror – he was never a follower of Voldemort.

"Oh good, so you did hear! I heard that it was Ron and Harry who caught him, they were out flying and he was apparently hiding out in the mountains, the bloody idiot didn't think about someone seeing his fire now did he? They say he is being held temporarily in Azkaban until his hearing, but everyone knows that's exactly where he is going to rot. Azkaban."

"That's true, I didn't care much of him but I have heard he was pretty bad, not nearly as bad as the dark lord but he did some horrible things, do you reckon he was a follower?" I knew the question would be touchy, but I was curious to see what Blaise thought of the situation.

"I wouldn't be surprised, no one knows his motives. All they know is he is dangerous, sad really. That someone can be that inhuman to actually carry through with torturing his victims" The disappointment on both of the boy's faces was clear as they thought about the actions of the felon.

"I don't know what's worse, the fact that he tortured them? Or that he kept them alive enough so they had to feel every waking moment of what was happening to them?"

"Definitely the latter" Agreeing, we went on to discuss the upcoming Quidditch tournament.

Hermione Granger

I didn't have time to think before I rushed past everyone and out the large doors of the Ministry, letting the fresh air into my lungs I felt myself slowly calm down. This wasn't her, she wasn't someone who said hurtful things because of her anger – not like that anyway.

"Malfoy brings out the worst in me" it was the only conclusion that made sense, I had never acted that way before – he just aggravates me to no end. Deciding that I needed to have a break I took a luxury stroll through the parks of London, it truly was a beautiful place.

My feet were guiding me to an unknown destination, but I didn't mind. I normally have an answer for nearly everything and for some reason I fail to even answer my own questions, what have I come to? Had leaving school really lessened my intellects?

Abruptly stopping, I noticed myself standing in some sort of muggle park. Though I had not even half a clue as to where I was, I didn't seem to mind. I looked around with a content smile playing at my lips, the melodious sound of children's laughter filled my hearing and the smell of freshly mown grass attacked my senses.

Slowly strolling to an empty park bench I sat down, careful to avoid fallen bird poop. I sometimes forgot what it feels like to take time off for yourself, it's important to care for your health and I feel that I have been lacking to do that.

Sighing in frustration I brought my hands up to rake through my hair, a habit I had gained when I was stressed. I let the breath out that I wasn't aware of holding and once again got up onto my feet. Sitting in one spot too long would let my mind wander and a speculating mind was never good.

Not even ten minutes later I was in front of my childhood ice-cream shop, I remember I would constantly come here with my father. He would get Double choc chip and I, peppermint. I'm glad the top aurors could restore their memories after the battle, I'm afraid if I hadn't I would never have forgiven myself.

With a giddy feeling in my stomach I entered the store and walked up to the counter, after ordering a regular waffle cone with an individual scoop of Peppermint ice-cream, I took it from the server and found an empty table to sit at.

Taking a chunk out of the side of my sticky sweet, I let every thought circle around my head until I'm sure even they were dizzy. Now that Woodsjung was caught, the aurors didn't have any urgent matters to prepare for – which was a relief for me. The care of the wizarding world magical creatures was excelling at the moment, much to my satisfaction! Majority of the other branches of the Ministry were also thriving and all that's left is to reflect upon my behaviour from this afternoon...

I knew I was under plenty of stress but I also knew it was wrong and indecent of me to take it out on Malfoy, as much as I was hurt by his words, it wasn't right of me. I let out a huff of air as I came to the conclusion that I needed to apologise. With motivation in my mind I got up from the place I was sitting and finished off my ice-cream, walking out of the store and into a darkened ally, I apparated back to the ministry – desperate that he was still here.

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