Part One: Remember Hexx

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"Come back and save us darling. Don't forget about Hexx."

The sentence was like haunting whispers through her nightmares. Mya couldn't stand it. For a nine year old child, she could only take so much. These dreams made her everyday life unbearable to live at times.

There would be points in time where she would refuse to sleep for up to three days. Then the exhaustion hit, and her dreams only grew more vivid.

They weren't terrifying like nightmares, just eerily real. Their vibe was so strong it felt like she had a double life.

Most the time, Mya stood in a dark room, covered in shadows. It was cold too. From the corner of her eye she could see fast movement, and would turn toward it. But the blur was gone. Then when she would turn back around, a dark figure would be standing meer feet away, its hand outstretched at an odd angle, like it's arm had been snapped the wrong way. It would shuffle forward and stop. The most astonishing thing that really haunted Mya though, was its eyes. Against the darkness, the only thing that was ever bright, where its luminous Iris's. Deep and vibrant emerald stones is what they reminded Mya of. The most beautiful, yet mysterious set she had ever seen. They looked unearthly. And they definitely struck up panic in her when they showed themselves. Then that figure would say its haunting sentence. Mya would wake up, and reality would set in.

On other nights, the ones she crashed on after refusing sleep from a few days prior, were only worse. These, were what nightmares were made of.

She was staring up at a pink and orange sky. The clouds were streaky and there was huge moons floating far away, but close enough to be magnified. There color wasn't solid, as some of the sky masked parts of their bodies. But it was beautiful. A fairytale setting. Every moment she moved her eyes it was a ghost effect. The sky was like the titanic on the rolling waves of the Atlantic, making her sick from the motion. Mya noticed she seemed to be in some sort of baby cradle, because a woman with impossibly long blond hair hurriedly came up next to Mya and stood with her back towards her, seeming to be arguing with someone else, whom she could not see. Then the woman reached down and suddenly, Mya was moving at a fast pace. The world around her was a blur and she was no longer outside viewing the beautiful sky. She was now in a building, unable to make out the structure because of the fast movement. During the chaos, a few other figures emerged from hallways and began running. Their features were blurred but she could see how tense they were. Something was frightening them. It didn't take long for Mya to see why. A dark shadow illuminated the hallway she was being moved down, and another figure came walking. She could weirdly sense his cruel smile. She could feel his evil.

A few of the figures that had started running with Mya, stopped to ward off the evil enemy she couldn't see. For a moment, the movement stopped, and time seemed to pause. Mya stared at the scene and was highly surprised at what she felt next. One of the figures who was fighting the dark shadow suddenly was lifted off the ground as a spear impaled his ribs. For only a sliver of a second, the vision cleared enough for her to see his appearance. Then everything was in fast motion again. Still not understanding why her heart hurt so much at seeing the poor man speared, the world turned black and she always found herself gasping for breath once she woke up.

It wasn't one of those nights, but she still experienced the same fear and anxious panic. Her bedside table had an array of pills and a glass of water. Her morning routine was starting again.

Mya didn't know which one was worse. Her normal life, or her fantasy of nightmares. Either way, she regretted waking up or falling asleep. If she had the choice, she would stay awake for the rest of her life.

Swinging her legs over the bed, Mya stretched her cramped arms and yawned quietly. She took the glass of water and tiny white pills, and popped them into her mouth, drowning them in one swig.

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