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“Ryan, I'm home,” she called out in her merrily, child-like voice as she closed the door behind her. He appeared from the kitchen, towel still in hand from drying the last of the dishes. “How was lunch, sweetie?” He asked as she embraced him for a hug. She swung her handbag onto the sofa and kicked off her wedges. “It was great. Sarah was telling me all about that course she's taking. You know the one I said I'd like to try? There's a seminar this afternoon I can tag along to.” He loved seeing her so enthused about her studies. “Sounds good honey, but there's something we need to talk about first.” He dipped his hand into his pocket then opened his fist to reveal a cigarette cupped in his palm. At first she was silent, then her eyes widened with panic and those full, pinkish lips quivered uncontrollably. “Ryan, I swear that's not mine!” He sat in the armchair and patted his thigh. “You know the drill. Get that cute little ass over here, babygirl.” Her face contorted into an adorable, pleading pout. “No, Ryan, please no. Not that, please,” she argued but she knew that her efforts would be fruitless. His neutral expression was always a sign that he wouldn't be swayed. Her shoulders sagged in defeat and with no further protest uttered, she knelt and lay across his lap. 

He folded her skirt up on to her back and gripped her wrists atop. With the other hand he gave each of her butt cheeks a firm squeeze. Then without warning he brought his palm on to the soft flesh of her bottom with a harsh sting. With the first slap; she squeaked. The second made her sigh. For the third it was a moan. By the fifth her face screwed up in pain and her fingers tugged at his sleeve. It wasn't until the tenth that the tears started to flow. At the twentieth she begged him to stop. Her pigtails flailed around as much as her legs as she writhed on his lap, struggling to free her wrists from his grip and escape the growing burn of her ass. Slap after slap, she whined, wriggled, cried and pleaded. The smacks continued relentlessly. “This is what happens to bad little girls that smoke,” he said, exemplifying each word with its own spank.

She groaned in torment, but couldn't disguise the increasing wetness between her legs with every hit. He could feel her panties were soaked through as he gently rubbed her mound, satisfied that the lesson had been taught. With her wrists released, he turned her to sit on his lap. “You know I don't like punishing you,” he said. He wiped a stray tear from her cheek and gave her a little peck in its place. “But I expect better behaviour from you. You know the rules, baby. There'll be no cigarettes in My house.” Her chest still juddered as she tried to stem her tears. “I'm really sorry, Ryan.” He stroked her cheek tenderly with affection.“You know why I had to do this, don't you honey? Are you going to be a good girl now?” She looked up into his eyes and nodded her understanding. “Yes, Ryan." she whispered. Her body still trembled and huffed as the last of her sniffles subsided. “I'll try to be good, I promise.” He kissed her forehead and cuddled her close. “Good girl. Now tell me all about this seminar.”

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