"I love you."I said giving her another kiss on the forehead. And then a quick peck on the lips, and then quickly left her room. I wasn't really sure if she was ready for that but I had too, was I even ready to do that.

When I pinky promised her, I was here for her to infinity and beyond, I meant it. I even have it engraved...

Britton's POV

The next day

I was sitting in the middle of the dance studio stretching and getting ready for my next class to get here to learn their new dance. It was about eleven in the morning and I have never felt this exhausted in my entire life—like, what the hell happened to me?

As I was reaching over to hold my foot in my hand, I heard heels walking on my hardwood floors. I turned around and saw Gretchen standing before me.

"You rang?" She said folding her arms over her large six-month belly. Now, don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the things Gretchen has done for me when I was pregnant and after I lost the baby. But now I'm back to finding her incredibly annoying.

I rolled my eyes and stood up I turned around and watched as Angie wrote on some sticky notes from my locker using her markers and she was putting them up on the wall. Yes, Angie is still here. Lopez called early this morning saying she was stuck in some town not in California going into court for a child. So she asked if I could watch Angie for a few extra days.

Where is this girl's mother?

"Can you please put Angie in your class for the next three days?" I asked her as kindly as I could. Literally, it took every ounce of "kindliness" I had to ask her that.

"Is she another one of Marianna's problem kids?" She asked me, as she looked at Angie laughing to herself. "Or 'special' ones?"

"Her mother is very sick and can't take care of her right now, and yes Lopez asked if I could watch her," I explained. Gretchen rolled her eyes and sighed. "And I can't really watch her if I'm teaching a class of twenty-somethings. Whereas you are watching two to five years old dance, and play on the gymnastic equipment."

"Fine." She smiled. "But I'm doing this for Marianna, not you." She rolled her eyes and walked away from me and out of the room. As some of my students came into the room, I walked over to Angie as she waved at everyone and said hi. They all awed and waved back.

"Britton, I made you a picture." She told me handing me a blue post-it note. I stuck it to my finger and saw that it was a, uh—tornado with a stick in the middle? "It's you twirling around like this." She said showing me how I turned on one leg.

"Aww, thank you." I smiled hugging her, and she hugged me back. I am so fucking tired but also happy. When she back up she looked at me and then down to her other sticky notes. "Okay do you want to go and learn how I do those dances, or just try for fun?" I asked her, sitting down in front of her.

"Yes, please." She nodded vigorously. I smiled and told her that I was taking her to Gretchen's class and for her to clean her mess off of the floor. I stood up and my whole class was here. Angie put all of her markers in her pencil box and sat it by my gym bag along with the rest of the sticky notes. Angie grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room and head to Gretchen's classroom. And Gretchen being Gretchen greeted me at the door and didn't let me in.

I told Angie to be nice to everyone and only bite if they touch her without being asked. She smiled and ran into the classroom and started talking to the other kids. She looked like Jackie just waltzing in there demanding to be friends with everyone.

"You can go now," Gretchen said closing the door in my face. Same ole Gretchen. I turned around and walked back to my class and closed the door...

Later that night I was sitting on my bed watching a rerun of Pretty Little Liars from like season three. I got home around three and Angie was sleep as soon as we crossed the doorway. She loved her dance class, and she made some friends. I have no clue what their names were because she was talking so fast, but I got her some lunch and then I gave her, her medicine and when she finished her milk she fell asleep.

I woke her up so she could take a bath and changed her into her pajamas, and currently, Angie is sleeping in Jackie's old room.

What should I do with her old room? She doesn't live here anymore so, turn it into an office? Storage closet? What?

You tell me.

And right as A was putting a gas mask over Hanna's face there was a knock on my door. And it was my front door, ugh now I have to actually get up. I paused the TV and got out of my bed. I made it to the living room and saw Jackie looking around as she waited for me to open the door.

"Where is your key?" I asked her, as I opened the door. Jackie walked in, in full PJs and smiled at me.

"Again, I wanted an invite?" she smiled and walked down the hall to my bedroom. I closed and locked the door and went to my bedroom.

"Okay well you know what?" I said as I walked back to my room and saw Jackie sitting on the other side of the bed. I sat beside her and she began putting her up in a ponytail. "Here is an invite for the rest of your life. Stop making me get up while I'm comfortable."

She sighed, and lied down. "She wants to talk." I said out loud, I mirrored her actions and lied down also. We both laid on our sides and faced each other. "What's up?"

"Are you okay, like truly?"

Lately all of my answers have been shrugs and what not, but I can actually answer now.

"I feel alright actually." I smiled a little. "I mean it still hurts a little. I was pregnant and then I wasn't. My dream was to tell you first, and give you a cute present. World's okay-est auntie or some shit like that."

We sat in silence for a while, well with the exception of one of the PLL'ers screaming. "How long is Angie staying here?" She asked me.

"I have no fucking clue. She's a great kid in all, and I don't mind the extended babysitting, But Lopez has to be on some kind of good Kush if she thinks she can just drop one of her sad adoption cases off at my front door." I told Jackie and she rolled over on her back laughing. "Where's Jaxon?" I asked her.

"He is at Emma's studio helping his little brother paint." She told me. "Oh, and he also says to never thank him again for that. You're Welcome, but no more thank you's."

"Jackie?" I called for her attention.

"Yeah?" She sighed looking down at her bracelet.

"Did you lose your key again?" I asked her.

"No." She groaned covering her face with the covers.

"Jackie?" I asked again.

"Yes, god." She said softly. "I'm sorry, I think it's in my backyard or in the pool."

How did it get in the pool? You know what nevermind? its better left unsaid.


Hello lovies, sorry for the long absence. Last semester of school and I am done.

What did you think of this chapter?






I'm sorry it's short but if I added anything else it would be pointless and a run on of babbling nonsense.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for reading.

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