Book 1: Introduction

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Name: Rosalia Madelina Gibbs
Age: 22
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Mother: Marie Wilson(deceased)
Father: Jackson Gibbs
Brother: Leroy Jethro Gibbs(half)
Sister-in-Laws: Shannon Gibbs nee Fielding(deceased), Diana Sterling(formerly), Rebecca Chase(formerly), and Stephanie Flynn(formerly)
Niece: Kelly Gibbs(deceased)
Friends: Anthony 'Tony' DiNozzo, Donald 'Duckie' Mallard, and Kate Todd
Best Friends: Abby Sciuto
Occupation: NCIS Agent
Languages: Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, Turkish, Russian, Portuguese, and Bulgarian
Hobbies: Painting, Drawing, Piano, Reading, Writing, Baking, and Cooking
Nicknames: Rose, Rosie, Ro, Tiny, Short Stack

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