Don Amore (Mafia Romance)

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                                                                  Author: LittleRebelxo

                                                                  Reads: 168K

                                                                  Genre: Mafia Romance

                                                                 Status: Ongoing 

                                                                 Status: Ongoing 

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Summary :

Italian Don, Nicoli Bianchi is ruthless. Even his charm, good looks and money fail to hide the beast that lurks within him. His name alone causes men and women to flee; Italy is his empire and he is the sole emperor.That is until she walks in. His betrothed.Her purity, kindness and calm nature are sickening to him. Alessandra is what most would call an angel. Her innocent desire to trespass her way into his (what most would call nonexistent) heart irks him to no end. Their marriage is a war that neither party is willing to lose. The question is: Will the angel succeed in bringing the devil to his knees OR will the devil continue to seduce and destroy?A story of undeniable chemistry, lust, deadly kisses and.... endless pain.


OMG! This is the best book ever with the mafia-mafia things. I cannot put into words how i LOVE this book! it's soooo well written and i will wait forever until the author finish this. Let's just hope the author will update this, if not i'm going to cry my eyes out. *finger cross* 

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