Chapter 1: Hidden As Always

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  Ringing throughout the Great Hall was the usual chatter at lunch, the students of Hogwarts were having the usual lunch Thursday afternoon. The Hidden Girl wasn't to be found anywhere, but The Boy Who Lived could be seen chatting up a storm about all his essays due. The Hogwarts students were finishing up their first week back, relaxing a little from classes, and studies.

  The Hidden Girl, Quinn was in the library, writing an essay, that wasn't due until the 10th of January. She liked to do all her work ahead of time, so she could relax while all her classmates slaved on and on with their essays. So far she was done with all her homework coming up in 5 months, she was squinting as she finished the third page of her essay. She sighed and stretched out her hands, her huge glasses sliding down her nose a bit, her messy white bed hair was all over the place. She wasn't the person who cared about appearances, nobody noticed anyways. She didn't need the glasses, but she still wore them. She yawned, she had stayed up from yesterday morning to today's time right now, her eyes felt droopy. No, I shouldn't fall asleep now! She slapped herself awake, and cleaned up her area. She grabbed her bag, and walked down to the corridor, a hallway where it lead down to a secret place she only knew about.

  As she walked, she passed tons of people, most of them talking to their friends, not noticing her at all. Ernie MacMillan had stepped in front of her, at first she thought she was noticed by him, but he looked over her head and waved over a friend. She sighed, hidden as always. She walked towards the door, painted different than the rest, it was completely white, she opened the pearl white door and walked in the room. The floor was clouds, and the walls were sky. It was technically a void of endless sky and clouds, she liked to go here to rest, the clouds were soft and fluffy. Jumping onto the pure white clouds, she kicked off her shoes and sighed, her back popping at laying down and relaxing finally. Her eyes closed, darkness filled her sight, her eyes were feeling better after she was sleeping.


  Harry felt odd, confusing thoughts of a girl with white hair, fair pale skin, and thick glasses sleeping on a cloud filled his mind. He saw her somewhere, he remembered the first year!

First Year, Hogwarts
  Harry had just finished up reading Hogwarts a History, this was time when Hermione and Ron would be sleeping. He had forgot the time, and kept on reading. He yawned quietly, and was about to get up, until he heard soft singing. He tried not to make a sound, he got up and walked carefully to the sound, it was like she was a siren, he was drawn to the beautiful voice.

  He walked around a bookshelf until he spotted someone... a white haired girl. She was sitting on the window sill, her glasses off, her hair out of her braids. Sitting in the moonlight, Quinn Moonshire was gleaming, sparkling, and beautiful. Harry had never felt this drawn to a person before, her song was the most heart breaking, he had ever heard.

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