All kinds of resources forever disappeared into the shadowy abyss.

Otakus felt like they had became the living dead, they had lost all hope in life.

But will those veterans truly disappear in this era? The answer is no.

When there's oppression, there will be liberation

Fifth year of the Internet Cleansing war.

The rays of hope had finally began to appear.

"What......this...........resources! It's resources! It's downloadable! It's downloadable!"

A sudden day, an otaku suddenly came across and discovered a dubious internet website.

He cried, with tears of absolute joy.

That night, was his first ever happiness night he had ever spent, after five years.

And after that day onwards, numerous veterans started to pop out from seemingly nowhere like plant sprouts.

Among them, the most renowned, "The 12 veterans of legend" appeared.

They possessed the most powerful technology available, and the latest resources always.

Many otakus had benefited from their actions, as they forever worshipped those names deeply within their souls.

Lord of Drifting

God of Day Races

Lucifer's Commandments

The Temptation of the Devil


General Truck

Prince of Trains

Frequent Smuggler


The Forbidden Librarian Keeper


Black and White Angel


The Nude Demon


Aged Scholar


King of Dirtiness

(TL notes: All of the names are puns. Veteran people = car drivers in chinese. As you can see, all of the names above are related to professional different drivers in a sense.
FYI: lucifer is a demon who can change gender at will. aka GENDERBENDER XXX)



Among all of them, two had the most contribution towards this era, they are <Lord of Drifting> and<The Forbidden Librarian Keeper>.

They are also known as the very first Duo Emperors.

In the world of the old veterans, they are the only ones ever known, to be respected as Emperors.

The above 12 people, are still known as being the elite of the elite, the champions among the champions in the world of old veterans, which made generations of people look up to them in sheer respect.

Side Story 1, The 12 veterans of legend


(<725 words to be tl)

TL: I cried upon TLing this. It's so beautiful, it's a masterpiece.

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