Chapter 3

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Thor touched down in Avenger's Tower and set Spidey on a U shaped couch. Peter folded his arms and glared at him. "Why am I here?"

"You are hurt Man of Spiders." Thor explained.

He just rolled his eyes "My name is Spider-Man."

Thor was confused "Is that not what I said?"

Before an argument could start the other Avengers walked in. "Hey Spidey!" Suddenly Tony's suit flew off of him and he stood in his normal clothes, another suit. "If you'll just come this way I can show you to the medical bay and Bruce can fix you up."

Although they couldn't see it Peter rolled his eyes. Who did this guy think he was?! "Look, thank you for the offer but I can handle it myself. This is like a paper cut for my super healing! It'll be gone by tomorrow!" Spidey headed towards the window but he was suddenly stopped.

"Jarvis!" Tony called "Send the tower into lockdown mode! No one is getting in or out until tomorrow!"

"Yes sir." Peter's Spidey Sense was blaring as all of the windows were boarded up with large metal sheets.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Peter punched the wall as hard as he could and it didn't even budge! He then glared at Tony "Tell it to let me out! I can't stay here all night!"

Jarvis answered for him "I am sorry Mr. Spider-Man but even if Mr. Stark wanted he would not be able to close the lockdown protocol. It is part of my programming."

"Then un-program it!" Peter was seething he had school tomorrow! Aunt May would be so angry if he skipped school! Hopefully this was just one of Tony's bluffs to get him to stay for getting patched up. That had to be it...

Bruce laid a hand on his shoulder "It seems that we all are going to be here for a while so you might as well let me look at your injury." He looked down at the hand still cover Peter's side. Blood was still oozing from the wound. How was this guy even still standing?!

Peter sighed "Fine! But remember I'm not happy about this!"

Without anything better to do the rest of the team followed them to the medical bay. "Just sit here." Bruce motioned to a bed and Peter did as commanded. (He didn't really have much other choice.) "Ok." Bruce got out the supplies he thought he would need. "I'll need you to take your costume off."

"First of all...." Peter held up a hand "It's a suit not a costume."

Tony snorted "It looks like you just sewed pieces of spandex together."

"It's not spandex!" why does everyone always think it's spandex?! "And second... you must be crazy if you think I'm gonna take off my suit."

"You can keep the mask." Bruce assured. "However..." he looked at the wound more closely. "I think you'd do more damage to it if you tried to take it off. I think I'm going to have to cut it off."

"Cut it off?!" Peter tried to reason with him "Doc this thing isn't cheap! I'm already going to have to fix the hole in it and now you want to make me do even more work?!" he nodded solemnly "My poor Spidey suit..." he sniffed every time Bruce made a cut in the fabric. "You have been a good friend. I promise I will never forget you!"

Tony rolled his eyes and muttered "Drama Queen..."

"Am not!" he glared at Tony. Tony just stuck his tongue out at him.

"Ok finished..." Bruce had cut a straight line down his chest so now it opened like a shirt. "If you could remove that then..."

"Sure thing..." Peter slowly took off the top half of his suit being careful not to agitate his injury more. "Well Doc am I gonna live?" he meant it as a joke but when he didn't get an answer he started to worry. "Uh... Doc?" he looked around but none of the Avengers would meet his eyes. In fact they were all looking down at his chest. "What?"

(A/N - Hi. :) Remember with great power comes great responsibility!) 

Spidey Meets the Avengers (A Spider-Man and Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now