XIII : Two Missions

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"We'll, now you have finally been given an assignment on your own like your sister," Palpatine then said turning his attention to Anakin in a rewarding tone. "I see your patience has paid off."

"Your guidance more than my patience," Anakin then said in a respectful and humble tone before Palpatine then guided us away from the window and we all began slowly walking away from the room.

"You don't need guidance, Anakin. In time, you, as well as your sister, will learn to trust your feelings. Then, the two of you will be invincible," he then told us while Anakin and I didn't say anything in response, but simply continued walking alongside him. "I have said it many times: The two of you are the most gifted Jedi I have ever met."

I understood that he was presenting us with a compliment, but nevertheless, it seemed wrong. Chancellor Palpatine hardly knew anything of the Jedi teachings, so how could he possibly understand how powerful my brother and I could possibly be? Sure, some people genuinely understand that one person might be more gifted than another, but out of all the Jedi he's ever met? Let's be real here, the Chancellor has met some pretty powerful Jedi, heck he sees my Master on a pretty regular basis. So claiming that Anakin and I were the most gifted Jedi he's ever met, is a pretty bold statement.

Besides, Jedi use our skills to the best of our abilities and we do not use our knowledge and skill to boast or be prideful. We are always training because we know there is always something more to learn. Becoming a Jedi is long and hard and of course, requires rigorous dedication and commitment. So no matter what the Chancellor was telling us now, there was always room for improvement for my brother and I. Especially considering we were only still Padawans, we weren't even true legitimate Jedi just yet.

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Anakin and I replied nonetheless in a respectful and grateful manner.

"I see you becoming the greatest of all the Jedi Anakin and Serenity," the Chancellor then continued, whether out of sincerity or simply to flatter us I wasn't entirely sure. "Even more powerful than Master Yoda."

At this, I simply stopped in my tracks as a frown made its way upon my face. "While I am overwhelmed with the compliment, sir, I must disagree. I am not looking to become one of the greatest Jedi. I simply want to always strive to make the right choice. Besides, I have faith in my Jedi brothers and sisters that they too can become just as skilled and powerful, if not even more so, as Anakin and I," I said in a calm but slightly offended tone which caused the Chancellor to stop as well and give me an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry if I have offended you, Serenity. I was only trying to encourage you," he sincerely apologized before giving me a warm smile. I simply gave him a nod to before Anakin and me then soon departed to find Padmé and inform her of her needed departure.

As soon as we arrived back to Padmé's room, a couple of maintenance droids were working outside to repair the window Obi-Wan had destroyed last night. I was currently helping Dormé pack up Padmé's clothes back up while Anakin just stood by the window observing the city aura of Coruscant, feeling awkward about handling Padmé's clothes which I completely understood. Not gonna lie though, it was a bit annoying that we had to pack everything that we literally just finished unpacking yesterday back into the bags.

Padmé suddenly stormed into the room with a radiance of defiance swarming about her. "I do not like this idea of hiding," she declared bitterly as she then came to join us in her closet to pack.

"Oh don't worry," I assured her as I took down a few dresses and began neatly folding them. "Now that the council has ordered an official investigation, I'm sure it won't take Master Obi-Wan and I long to find this bounty hunter."

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