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  I am discontinuing this story. Actually, I'm discontinuing my account. The only reason that I'm not deleting the thing is because I want you all to continue to enjoy these wonderful, not-finished works of fanficiton. So, because I'm a nice person, I'm going to tell you the ending to this. Let the rollercoaster begin. 

This continues within the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Amber continues to be her sarcastic self.  Over the Christmas break, she goes home for the holiday, and on Christmas day, she sees her father murder her mother in front of her. She runs back to Hogwarts, and barely speaks a word for the rest of the book, because she's traumatized.

The next book continues very similar to the Prizoner of Azkaban, with Amber's journey similar to Harry's.

The fourth book follows Amber as the friend of the fourth champion. She meets Viktor Krum's younger brother, Jakob, and they go to the Yule Ball together. Amber has done more and more research on Death Eaters. Just before the Third Task, she is taken from Hogwarts by Capricorn, because he made a deal with Voldemort to protect his daughter at a price: she has to become a Death Eater. She does get the Dark Mark tattooed onto her arm, and escapes the graveyard with Harry.

The fifth book is again similar to the Order of the Phoenix. Amber has mild PTSD and the Order lets her join only because she pressures them heavily into doing it. She literally does nothing in the Order, because she is fifteen years old. She wants revenge against Capricorn and the Death Eaters, so she throws herself into DA meetings. She gets in trouble several times.

In the sixth book, Amber has calmed down slightly. She escapes the takeover of Ollivanders, and works closely with Dumbledore to take down her father. At the end of the book, she does not go with Harry, Ron, and Hermione to search for Horcruxes because she feels like she needs to stay behind to protect the students at Hogwarts.

The seventh book she becomes Head Girl, Draco's counterpart (he's Head Boy) and re-starts the DA with Neville. She becomes the quiet hero of Hogwarts, because she needs to keep her position as Head Girl -- which comes with influence and immunity from the Death Eaters at Hogwarts -- and eventually be-friends Malfoy, though neither of them would admit it. She fights in the Battle of Hogwarts. Capricorn switches sides to fight alongside his daughter, and Amber realizes that she can't hold onto hate forever, and forgives Capricorn. They will never be close.

I thank the Wattpad community for supporting me on this, seeing as this series was the first thing I tried to publish here. Thank you for your support. If you wish to read more of my stuff, first look at my account here on this website. You can also find me on under the pen name altoinkblots. Thank you so very much,


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