Chapter 5:It was Her

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This morning, I can tell something big gonna happen.I smiled for myself.Unconsciously, i saw a girl with cloak wandering around the palace.That girl looking for something.No must be someone.The Rukh tells me she want to find Sinbad.Hmmm...I see she's back.Must be Sinbad shocked to see her.

"What are you doing Izuru?". Ja'far behind me.I tilt my head back to see he leaned down at me.Im use magic makes my body float and give him a surprise kiss.His eyes big as dinner plate.I giggled. "You're cute Ja-ja!".

"WHATS WITH THAT NAME??!". He mumbled.

Ja'far when back to work..

Ja'far body tense to do all the paperwork.Which is he produce gloomy aura around him.Izuru sweatdropped at this.She sighed and walked towards him.

".........(still finishing the paper)"
".....*IRK MARK APPEAR*..."

"......Yes?". His smiled twitched.
" called me just to greet me?". (Venom in his voice).

"Ja'far, its been 3 hours you doing the paperwork".

"What's your point?"
"You need a rest.Come here".
I pulled him at the sofa.I force his head on my laps and start combed his hair with my slender fingers.He sighed and decided to gave in.

For awhile we've been silence. "Izu, you're very honest and kind.Im so lucky". I stared at his peaceful face. "Hmm...anything for someone special-" "*Ligh snore*". I chuckled and leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Have a nice dreams"

Evening Later....

A girl with the cloak again stalking Sinbad.While Izuru get ready to trap her. She slowly creeping behind the girl.And fast as wind she tied all around the girl body with her magic.Sinbad realise what cause the ruckus.

"Sinbad, I think you lost someone that precious to you i guess". I pushed the girl towards him.He caught in steady. "Open your gift Sinbad~". I smirked. He slowly open the girl cloak and his face become paled just saw ghost. "Orisha?". The girl's lips quivered and her body trembled to see Sinbad.

"Sin....bad..." He couldn't believe what infront of him.His own beloved was right infront of him.He instantly hugged her tightly.He nuzzled in her hair.I slowly unbinded the rings around Orisha so she can hugged him. They looked at each other slowly lean in and kiss.

Im feeling relieved to see Sinbad so happy that she comes back. "You already knew all along this time?". I nodded. "Why you didn't say anything?". I knew he gonna asked about it.I looked up towards the sky. "Where the fun will go if I'll tell him right?". I grinned.He sighed already know what is it in my mind.

"As long you happy Izu". He smiled.After awhile, Sinbad hugged the side of Orisha amd declared tonight will be Maharajan Festival!. Ja'far couldn't argued with him.

Maharajan Festival.....

Sharrkan teasing Orisha that she can't be help not let Sinbad alone again or suffering.Yamuraiha scolded Sharrkan stop bullying Orisha.I smiled to see sight like this.I've never had friends before, well this is the feeling to have friend.

"Sinbad, not gonna letting Yukari away from him". Ja'far chuckled. "Ofcourse...who wasn't protective over someone he love". I leaned my head on Ja'far shoulder.As usual he embrassing.

"Oh..Izu you didn't eat yet right?". "Yeah, why Ja-ja?". "I'll go and get you some wait here!". "Uh...Ja'far you don't need to get myself some food-". I looked at him, he's already sprinting away from me. "Well, he indeed fast".

"Ofcourse, who weren't called him as an assassin right?". I was startled that voice.Before I could do anything at him.I was blind with the darkness.

Yukari Orisha pov...

I was talking to everyone.Im missed them so much.Untill my instinct told depravity.Oh no, Haname in danger.

"Hmmm, Yuka something wrong dear?". Sinbad asked.I bolted out from his embrace. Damn it I need to hurry!.Why she put her guard off in such this situation. Not for awhile I saw she still standing next to wooden table.But her eyes looked dull.I come closer and gasped.

There spell on her neck.A black symbol from Al-Thamen.Shit im too late. "You can't save her life anymore Hahahaaha!!!". The guy with black cloak laughed and disappeared just like dust.

My eyes widen when Izu about to fall.I caught just in time.

"JA'FAR HELP ME!". I yelled.He came next to me. "What happen here??!!". "Al-Thamen put spell on her.I thinked she faint from the curse". He gasped and I pointing where the curse is.He gritted his teeth. "I-i this is my-". "No, its not your fault Ja'far.We know this is because Al-Thamen had planned from the start.Yuka can you heal her?". I shake my head. "I can't.But for now i try to give all what I got". Sharrkan patted Ja'far's shoulder. "We know what Izuru capable of.She not that weak". He reassured him.

???????? POV...

"Well master I already completed the task.Now we have to wait for the result.This is must be exciting to wait for~". He laughed in maniac.

"Goodjob, soon our planned will be success hahahaha!!!".

Ja'far POV.....

Its been a few hours.She stil not wake up yet.Her body sometime there was sweat on her temple, arms and neck.The spell makes Izu drained up her energy.I keeping wipe the sweat away.Now, im really worried about her.Please god, don't take away her from me.

Im begging you.....

To be continued....

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