{Chapter 1|Memory Lane}

Start from the beginning

"Just because I love violence at a very young age doesn't mean I'm insane and would kill anyone if I want to, you know? I'm even surprised I got accepted by that orphanage and even got adopted. I saw relief all over their faces when they saw me in mom and dad's car." He sighed but continued. "Life wasn't easy for me even before the orphanage."

Your eyes widen. This kid, that you are talking to right now, is not that evil. "Tord--" You try to say but got interrupted. "Nah, it's fine. I don't want you to pity me for some stupid reason like that."

Right after that, you swore you heard him speak Norwegian. "God, jeg er så jævla dum."

"TORD! Why would you say that?" You said, clearly surprised. 'How the heck did I understood that?!' You thought to yourself. Tord looked at you. Shock was written all over his face. "You...understood me?" He asked. You were pretty shocked yourself.

You never took language classes and you have never watched other languaged movies except for English. "If you understand that language...what did I say?" He asked you, making sure.

You hesitated but began to translate it. "God...I'm so...ehm, the "f" word, stupid." You said hesitantly. His eyes widen. "Do you speak Norwegian?" He asked you. "No...I don't. This is so strange to me.." You replied.

He sat there and closed his eyes, probably thinking. "Det er så rart at du kan forstå meg." He began to signal you, telling you to translate it. "That's so weird that you can understand me." You said. He gave you a thumbs up. The whole break, Tord gave you sentences in Norwegian for you to translate. You didn't quite understand most, but you knew some.

You concluded with a sentence that you couldn't translate. Tord would tell you the meaning but this time, he didn't. What he said was, "Jeg liker deg. " All you could take out from those three words were "like". He wouldn't tell you the meaning for the rest of the day. And he still hasn't told you what it meant 'to this day after you left.

You hope he would actually tell you now since the suspense is killing you. But, that was one of the first times you ever had an actual conversation with Tord. And you still find it pretty mysterious that you could understand Norwegian.

(You: 10 Years Old | Edd: 11 Years Old)

"Hey, Edd!" You called him. "What is it, (Y/N)?" He replied. "I have a problem with this question.." You said to him while handing him your Science Textbook. "Hmm...this one's tricky. See, the formula for Kinetic Energy is K.E. = 1/2xmxv2, meaning you have to take what's given for the Kinetic energy and---Hey! You're dozing off!" He said to you as you pretend to fall asleep.

You giggle. You hear Edd sigh. "Do you want to answer this question or not?" "I just wanted to talk to you. Besides, I already know the answer, it's 120 KE!" You replied.
"Oh wow! You're correct!" Edd said.
"What do you mean? I'm always correct!" You replied.
"Says your exam scores!"
Your face flushed red with embarrassment. "You saw that?!" You asked him. He chuckled, "Yeah. Can't believe you'd just leave it hanging there in your room when I came over yesterday."

You grumble. "Ugh. Anyways, Edd, can you be my--" You got cut off.

"Eeddd!! You're making her uncomfortable!" A feminine voice said as it came from downstairs.
"Was I? Oh, sorry, (Y/N). I just love to tease you." Edd says as he chuckles. The voice sat next to you on the floor, revealing Ell. "Are you even done with YOUR homework, sis?" Edd asked Ell.
"'Course I did! It was a piece of cake!" Ell replied.
"Mostly 'cause you had mom teach you." Edd said. "Hey!" Ell said annoyed. "Ugh, I'm going to my room. Wanna come with, (Y/N)?"

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