love you

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C- why the annoyed look baby
L- I agreed to try being friends with Chloe
C- may I ask why
L - why do you think babe Dalton was begging me to give her another chance
C- seriously
L- he even pulled the whole what if things were reversed and I wanted him to be friends with you
C- now that's not fair
L- I know but there's nothing I can do about it now
C- at least you'll have the rest of the girls to help you through it
L- hopefully
C- what do you mean
L- they all hate her after what she did to me so who knows if they'll be willing to put up with her anymore
C- they will help you I'm sure of it and I'll also help you
L- thank you cole
C - you're welcome baby I'd do anything for you because I'm in love with you babe
L- y y you are
C- mhmm
L- I love you too
He kissed me and then we finally got in the car since this whole time we've been sitting on the trunk of the car. We drove home and saw all the guys were there yet no girls.
G- you have your first job tonight hope you can handle it
L - I can do it
G- we'll see

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