Ten | fake friend

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@Elomkuwonu: lmao wanted to chill but that's alright

@user1: uhhh there's an @ button for a reason ???

User2: elaborate

User3: tea ??? Spill it

User4: Liyah went out with her friends sjejwjwnq I cracked the code


"What's good bro?" Zion asked, walking into the living room. "Why you all by yourself?"

I shrugged,"Just bored."

Liyah left about an hour ago, and I've just been sitting here. I wanted to hang out with her, but her dumb friends invited her. "You wanna come with us to my friend's later?" He asked. I shrugged and nodded. I had nothing better to do anyways.

When it was about eight, I decided to change my outfit because I was just wearing some random shorts. I changed into a pair of jeans and put on some sneakers before walking back out to the living room.

We went to Zion's friend's house and we chilled there for an hour or two. They weren't doing much, just hanging out. When we got back to the house I headed for the room I'm sharing with Aaliyah because I wanted to change back.

When I opened the door she was looking for clothes in her bag. "Yo," I greeted her. "Hey," she responded. Just by her response I could tell something was wrong, she didn't have as much energy as she usually did. "What's wrong?"

She turned around and faced me, and I could tell she was bothered. I opened my arms, and she walked into them. I'm pretty sure I needed her in my arms just as much as she needed me in hers. The familiar scent of her perfume and shampoo greeted me, something I didn't know I needed until then. "What happened?"

"It kinda sounds dumb, but one of my friends from New York told me she doesn't want to be my friend anymore. She said that I'm already turning into an LA girl, I don't even know what the fuck that means to be honest," she vented.

"It's not dumb, she was your friend. And if she said that then she's truly not your friend, because a friend would know that spending time in a different place wouldn't change you like that."

"You right she gotta go," she nodded into my shirt, and stayed in my arms for a little while longer. "I'm sorry," she mumbled after a minute. 

"Why you saying sorry?" I questioned. It was rare for Aaliyah, to say the least. She didn't put up with a lot, because she had a short temper.

"I saw your tweet. I should've stayed and hung out with you."

"It's fine I could've said something too," I shrugged. She let go and went to change out of the clothes she wore to her friend's. I took the opportunity and changed into some sweats before laying down on the bed I had chosen the day we got here.

Going on Twitter, I scrolled through and looked at the different tweets people had mentioned me in. I saw a lot of tweets about what I posted earlier, so I went and deleted it. It was petty of me anyways.


As I stood in Elom's arms, I realized how much I liked him. In the year we had known each other, we grew really close. He knew a lot about me already, and I knew that he was someone I could count on.

The next day I woke up pretty late, and everybody else was already up. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before heading downstairs. "Morning," I greeted everyone. They all greeted me back, and continued eating breakfast.

"Hi," Elom smiled. I smiled back and poured myself a bowl of cereal before sitting down at the table. Aaliyah loved when they were all home, spending time with all of the boys together was one of her favorite things.

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