We spoke about me going to church after all these years, then just yesterday accepting Christ in my heart and being baptized. How amazing I felt, and connected to God. It was like He was waiting for me and I had come home and He loved and embraced me, forgiving me of all my faults and accepting me for who I was.

I told her about the dream I had before it all happened that started to turn things around for me and give me hope that she was still alive. About how hard I prayed that it wasn't just a dream but more like a vision.

I also told her about how confused I was when I found the drugs in her room, talking to Chris about what to do and deciding on taking it to the police. How I didn't know if I would ever be able to forgive or trust her again but seeing her now in person, I couldn't imagine being angry with her, I was just grateful that she was alive.

We also talked in great detail about my relationship with Eric; about him cheating and me not really knowing what to do. We have been together for so long and I know he loves me. It was a moment of weakness and if God could forgive me for all the wrong I have done in my life who am I not to show that same kindness to him and forgive him.

But I didn't know if I should stay with him. Not because of the cheating but because of the step I have taken to follow Christ.

I had not realized how much I had truly missed my best friend until I was sitting there pouring my heart out to her and knowing she would listen and understand. I mean we were pretty much trapped there and could do nothing else so talking distracted us for the moment.

She asked me a lot about God and what it was like, I told her I believed the experience would be different for everyone but I felt overjoyed and at peace. It was like finding the missing piece in my life. I could have had all the money in the world and the perfect life but without God I would still feel empty and alone like I was not fully whole.

We kept holding hands; it was hard to imagine seeing each other again after all that we have been through. The toll that it had taken on her physically and emotionally was more than I suffered emotionally.

"Simone, you now I never experienced being raised in church like you were but I prayed to God that he would protect you and allow me to see you again. I don't know if I prayed right or not but I felt a little better after."

"Oh Kate, I have come to realize that there is no right or wrong way to pray, once we talk to God, once we are willing to meet him part of the way he will do everything in his power to go the extra steps."

"I am so happy to see you again Simone, but I wish we were not trapped in here when it happened, but I believe that we will make it out of here, don't you?"

"Girl I am trusting in the almighty because this situation is bigger than me, and one of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 54:17:

No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, says the LORD."

"Kate the God I serve will not let my enemies gain the upper hand because He is mighty and all powerful, besides: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. We have nothing to fear when we trust in the Lord girl. God brought me here for us to give each other strength, He will see us through. I just know He will."

"Simone, you could be a preacher girl, you just give me so much encouragement just now and I am even happier that you are here with me, I don't know if I could have gone through anymore alone."

"I am beginning to realize that we are never alone, God is always there, we just have to believe and trust in Him."

The door flung open and we both turned our heads at the same time. It was Patrick.

"Kate, I am here to get you out." When he reached the cage and saw me too his eyes grew wide with shock.

"They took you too; I thought he was no longer planning on taking you."

"I guess he changed his mind." I replied with a hopeful look on my face, I was thanking God silently for answering our prayers so quickly and sending Patrick to help us break free.

"Ok, listen you two, we don't have much time, there are a couple of guards here but everyone else is at this big party at the club, this is probably our only chance to get out of here."

I watched as Patrick pulled out a key and unlock the padlock that kept the chains together trapping us in this cage. I smiled knowing that Kate and I would finally be able to get out of this godforsaken place.

"What are you doing?" all three of our heads shot up just as Patrick had gotten the chain off, then I heard this incredibly loud and deafening sound and in an instant I saw Patrick's body collapse to the floor.

My hand shot up to my mouth and Kate dropped down to her knees and reached out her hands to touch Patrick's face. The same guy that had kidnapped me from my house and attacked Kate had now shot Patrick.



I couldn't believe what was taking place; I looked up from where I was kneeling by Patrick's head and watched Nick smile that sickening smile as he kept the gun he just shot Patrick with pointed at us.

Simone stood behind me with her hands over her mouth and she was sobbing softly, we were doomed, Patrick was our only way out and now with Nick here it was all over. I don't know if I have ever met a man more cruel and heartless than he was. It was like he took pleasure in causing others pain.

"Looks like I arrived just in time." His gruff voice scrapped at my nerves as the words that left his lips felt like a dagger to my heart. My hope was now shattered and the only emotion I had left was anger.

I was a little weak but my adrenaline was kicking in fast, how could he do this, I was making a move to stand and I guess he saw the look in my eyes, "now don't do anything stupid Kate, you will regret it."

"What else can you do to me you scum, shot me, by all means do!" I spat the words out at him, the only thing I felt for this monster was contempt.

"Tisk tisk, I won't shot you my dear, but I will shot her if you don't back down." He cooed those words and it was like venom leaving his lips while turning his aim at my best friend.

I gasped, shooting me was one thing but I couldn't let him hurt Simone, not after all I have already put her through.

"Fine!" I said angrily taking a step back and making sure to block his line of sight to Simone, I felt her hand grip my arm.

I stood there staring at him for what seemed like eternity when we heard a groan. All eyes turned towards the ground where Patrick lay. He was alive, thank God he was alive.

"Ah he lives, that's good don't think I would have wanted to tell Mr. Smith I killed you, he probably would be angry with me, mainly because he would want to kill you himself."

I watched as Nick crouched down over Patrick, "I always knew you were weak, what Mr. Smith sees in you I will never know, but now he will see you as the weak, pathetic traitor I knew you always were."

When he stood up, he kicked Patrick in the ribs and I heard Patrick yell out in pain. "That's enough, Nick, he is already hurt!"

"Watch your tone with me tramp, I will say when it's enough, and I am just getting started."


Hope you guys liked this chapter, tell me what you think?

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