The accusations of Lord Edgar's son upon his father's death had haunted Leila's mind most through the time they spent on the road. She could not forget the anger that came through that demand Loreza Martell had mentioned. Oberyn was being accused of poisoning his spear during that duel he and the aged lord had contested in. Leila sighed. No, he was not accusing Oberyn. He firmly believes Oberyn did it.

"Ye still alright, lass?" Mors questioned her in a small whisper as they made their way through the steps, Oberyn following behind them. "Ye look so pale, as if someone drained ye of blood."

"Thank you for thinking of how beautiful I am." She joked in response as her sworn sword sighed. She pursed her lips in a line. "I'm just trying to lighten the mood, dear Mors."

"And ye saw that it didna work, no?"

"Mors, I'm fine." She insists to him, causing him to scoff.

"Ye lie so badly, Leila." Mors told her in reply. "Ye ken that a Dornishman can see the depths of yer soul, no? Others may believe yer bluff but no a Dornishman."

"I just feel tired, that's all." She forced herself to try and hide her worries, putting them aside. Finally entering the building with the two closest Dornishmen by her side. "I haven't been sleeping well."

"You best rest then." Oberyn tells his betrothed, looking to her with a gentle look. Mors nodded to Oberyn and removed his touch upon Leila and soon, the warm arm was warmer with Oberyn replacing Mors' flesh. The prince placed a small kiss upon her forehead. "I'm not certain I wish seeing you stress yourself, my lioness. But you must see the Maester later, to ensure your health."

"I merely lack sleep, my dear Oberyn." Leila retorts to him, looking upwards meeting his eyes. "Surely I can take my self down on my bed and gain my strength back."

"No, I'll would not take risks when it comes to your health, my dear lioness." He declares to her. "You will see the Maester before you rest, alright?"

"He does have a point, Leila." Mors finally butted in, feeling himself set aside the awkwardness of having to watch two people lovingly in front of him. He was happy for the two of them, but he sometimes felt out of place. A chariot's useless third wheel. Leila looked at him, as if feeling a siege of sorts from the two men. "Best have a Maester see to ye, lass. Better safe than sorry when yer dead."

"I am fine." She insisted again. Oberyn paused, which caused her to pause as well. Mors took the opportunity to walk forwards and leave the couple be to talk the matter between themselves. He didn't want to interrupt a conversation rightfully only for their own ears to hear. He returned to help with the items in the wheelhouse.

"Oberyn, you must not worry-"

"How can I not worry for you when all I can think of is your being, Leila?" Oberyn asks her, causing her to look a bit defeated at his question. "Leila, I know that look always. Especially when you lie."

"Oberyn.." She whispered to him, her eyes filled with fear. He finally saw it. Her heart softened as she then moved to look away from, ashamed of her fear. Oberyn was strong, a viper who can kill his enemies easily. She thinks he deserves a better wife than him, one without fear. Her father would be ashamed to see vulnerability within her at that moment. She was of the lions, a lioness. She should not be afraid. Never. But she was and she would never forget to shut the door on that fear ever again.

"You are frightened of what might happen." Oberyn easily guessed. He knows me too well. "Leila, nothing will happen, I am sure of that."

Leila easily frowned at her betrothed as he continued to lead her onto the Maester's chambers. Oberyn was never good at avoiding confrontations and yet the way he says the things he had to assure her that nothing will go wrong, it worried her even more. Leila knew that there was more to this thing than just a wish of familiar faces. No. It was something deeper than that and it worried her. It worried her that Oberyn was not telling her knowing fully that she too deserved to know about it. Leila wondered if Oberyn was right to keep it to himself.

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