The next day, George caught sight of Anne at breakfast and pulled her aside. "I need to talk to you" he exclaimed

"I need to talk to you to" added Anne.

They walked to her chambers to talk, thankfully it was quiet as the servants had just gone for breakfast. "What did you need to talk to me about?"

George smiled "You look like a tomato." he laughed "The court will think you have some kind of skin problem."

"Anything else" Anne demanded

George glanced up and down his sister's tall physique and smiled "Apart from that, you look regal and slim."

Anne ignored her brother's petty issue and compliment and proceeded to talk "I wanted to thank you for being so, so- so sensible about my suggestion. I was hysterical and wasn't thinking straight."

The queen then did something that she had never done in all her life, she held out her arms to embrace her brother. George was taken aback but embraced his sister. "Oh Anna-maria" he laughed "Even queen's need a hug"

Anne said "I love you George Boleyn".

George smiled despite Anne not being able to see it "I love you too queen Anne Boleyn of England"

Suddenly, in came Jane Seymour carrying a water jug. She saw what Anne was doing and gasped "Your majesty."

Anne released her brother and tried to talk to Jane "Say nothing of this. It isn't how it looks."

Jane had turned to face the wall to shield her innocent eyes from the atrocity she suspected "How can I forget this? It is a sin as bad as murder. A man cannot love his sister."

Anne turned to face Jane and stood in front of her brother protectively. "I shall return your necklace if you say nothing of this. It is not what you think." Anne desperately bargained, hoping Jane's timidness and lack of with would work against her.

"You said you loved each other." Jane protested "I heard you with my own ears and saw your embrace with my own eyes"

"We love each other as siblings." George added.

Anne was wrong to think that Jane would take her bargain and Jane surprised her "I will tell the King of your sin. He is a good man and doesn't deserve the whore of a wife that you are." Jane spat and then ran out of the room.

Anne turned to her brother desperately for an answer "No what do we do?" she questioned

George was blunt "There is nothing we can do. We are doomed."

"Can't we explain that nothing happened between us." Anne naively suggested

"You have no proof."George expressed bluntly as he stepping out from behind his sister.

Anne just sat on the bed and monotonously narrated "Then we are for the tower. My miscarriage will be discovered and everyone will think us incestuous adulterers. And for our bond as siblings, we will be executed for incest by the King."

George didn't want to agree with the summary that Anne had correctly given, so said nothing. He just tapped her shoulder softly and left the room, only saying "Farewell sister" to Anne as he left.

Once George had left the room, Anne walked over to her bookshelf and stared blankly at the spines. Maybe she would find a solution to her problem among st the heavy pages.

Anne decided to change after George had honestly said that she looked 'slim'. She left her bookshelf and threw open her wardrobe. Out came an old purple dress that she had worn when she was pregnant with Elizabeth, she pulled it on and laced her stomacher. As she searched for a headdress that would match, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror: She was pale and withered looking, she no longer had her plump and rounded belly, just drooping skin and a face patched with rouge. There was no way she could claim to be pregnant when she looked like that.

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