Chapter 20- Part II

Start from the beginning

We ran out the back door just in time before the whole building blew up. I looked around making sure everyone was with me. Cal, Alex, Kevin, Cameron. Where the hell is Johnson?

I stood up and began running back to the burning building. I ran past what I could've sworn was a hand. Approaching the door me and the guys ran from, that's when I see him. Laying on the ground. He was missing a hand and half his right leg.

His face was burned and he had cuts everywhere. He had been with me through everything and now I'm watching him lay lifeless on the ground.

"Fuck." I hear someone say behind me.

"Help me get him up. I'm not leaving him here." I demand.

Cal helps me lift Johnson from the ground and we carry him over the where the rest of the guys are. No one asks questions knowing I won't answer.

This wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to save Hailey and we were supposed to all go home and decide whether Alex stays in the gang or not. I fucked up again.

The van pulled up behind the now demolished building and once we were all in the van sped off. Ryan looked in the rear view mirror occasionally at Johnson's body lying in our laps. Cal was in the third row comforting Hailey.

When we got back to the house, Johnson was taken up stairs into his bedroom. I wrapped gauze around his wrist and his thigh. I lit candles and opened the windows to prevent any body odors.

The funeral is going to be planned out tomorrow. Ryan went to go call Johnson's mom and sister. I went up to the room to be with Hailey. She was sat on the foot of the bed crying when I entered the room.

I pulled off my shirt and sat beside her pulling her into my chest. We laid back on the bed and I held her until she fell asleep. How am I supposed to get rid of Alex and find a new gang member to make up for Johnson's absence?

These thoughts ran through my head until I couldn't take it anymore. I got up careful not to wake Hailey and made my way downstairs. I wanted Alex out of my fucking gang now.

"Alex get the fuck in here!" I yelled when I made it to the meeting room. When he got in there, I took a seat at my desk and eyed him as the rest of the guys made their way in.


"I want you out my fucking gang that's what." I didn't hesitate.

"Your fucking gang?" He says in disbelief. "This is my gang just as much as it is yours if anything it's more so mine. Dad left us both in charge but you didn't want to step your fucking game up-"

"I said I want you out. Pack your things and leave." I spoke with authority in my voice.

"You guys are fucking okay with this bullshit!?" Alex tried to reason with the gang but they all gave him hard glares. "Fuck you Jason."

He left after that. I could hear him storm up the stairs to his room. I looked at the rest of the guys waiting for any objections but I didn't get any.

"After the funeral we have to start looking for two new members. Ryan you're my new wing man. I need you to handle some things while I start working on my relationship with Hailey."

I Want You(Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now