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I saw a star fall the other night.

It must have slipped on that

black canvas of


I watched from my bedroom window

as the little star shook itself and

struggled to stand.

On wobbly legs

it stood.

It shone with silver light--

the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen--

but slivers of tears

slipped down its

silver face.

It raised its light to the black

unnoticing sky,

and screamed.

s c r e a m i n g to be noticed

to be saved

to be gathered up in the moon's arms

and to be held safe and sound

in the embrace of the sky.

On and on it screamed

the most heavenly, shattered thing in all of the sky and earth,

crying in hopelessness as

it realized that it was


The screaming was beautiful too,

and its silver tears,

and its hopeless soul

as it wailed in an unbearable sorrow

that made my heart ache at the sound.

{For sometimes, the most beautiful things are the most broken}

Moonlit PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now