Chapter 6: Let the music flow

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I started liking Defense against the Dark Arts with Gryffindor. I saw Lucy every day as we did our project on Singgers. Each day she would sing a different song to help the class. Professor Worths announced one evening:

“To finish our project about Singgers, I’m going to pair you all in pairs of girl and boy, and you have to prepare a Mugge song and both sing in a week. These are the pairs:

-Hermione Granger and Ron Weasly

-Harry Potter and Lavender Brown

-Vincent Crabbe and Pansy Parkinson

And it kept on until he said the last pair:

 -Draco Malfoy and Lucy Chanter.

We were the only pair that were mixed houses. Everyone looked at us, and I felt my cheeks burning red on my pale skin. Lucy’s cheeks were slightly pink too.

“I will let you start your research to find a Muggle song. From now!”

Crabbe changed seats with Lucy and we sat together to do our research. After nearly an hour of looking, Lucy found a song:

“Look! It’s a song called Need you now, by a Muggle singer called Lady Antebellum. Listen! It’s very beautiful.

A song started to sound, gentle and swiftly, and we decided to sing that one.

After classes we went to empty classrooms to practice, and I always loved hearing Lucy sing.  We practiced every day we could, every part of our spare time. The week had passed, quickly, and very soon, the stage would come.

The day came, in front of the whole school. I had dressed in some black jeans and a black and grey t-shirt and a black leather jacket. When Lucy came, she was beautiful. She was wearing a black short dress and some black ballerinas. She had outlined with black her eyes and her hair was shining with the contrast of the black and bronze. She smiled at me and gave me a microphone.

“Good luck”, she whispered in my ear and still smiling, let the curtain open. The whole school was staring at us. I heard a teacher mutter Playandrum, and the music started instantly. I tried to concentrate, but it was difficult seeing everybody staring at me. The music began, and I fell into the world of music. It was like us two alone in an empty classroom, singing. And we started:

Picture perfect memories,(LUCY)

Scattered all around the floor. (LUCY)

Reachin’ for the phone, (LUCY)

Cause I can’t fight it anymore. (LUCY)

And I wonder, (BOTH)

If I ever cross your mind, (BOTH)

For me it happens all the time. (LUCY)

It’s a quarter after one, (BOTH)

I’m all alone and I need you now. (BOTH)

Said I wouldn’t call, (BOTH)

But I lost all control, (BOTH)

And I need you now. (BOTH)

And I don’t know how, (BOTH)

I can do without, (BOTH)

I just need you now. (BOTH)

Another shot of whisky, (DRACO)

Can’t stop looking at the door. (DRACO)

Wishing you’d come sweeping, (DRACO)

In the way you did before. (DRACO)

And I wonder, (BOTH)

If I ever cross your mind, (BOTH)

For me it happens all the time. (DRACO)

It’s a quarter after one, (BOTH)

I’m a little drunk, (BOTH)

And I need you now. (BOTH)

Said I wouldn’t call, (BOTH)

But I lost all control, (BOTH)

And I need you now. (BOTH)

And I don’t know how, (BOTH)

I can do without, (BOTH)

I just need you now. (BOTH)

Yes, (BOTH)

I’d rather hurt, (BOTH)

Than feel nothing at all. (BOTH)

It’s a quarter after one, (LUCY)

I’m all alone and I need you now. (LUCY)

And I said I wouldn’t call, (DRACO)

But I’m a little drunk, (DRACO)

And I need you now. (DRACO)

And I don’t know how, (BOTH)

I can do without, (BOTH)

I just need you now. (BOTH)

Oh baby, (LUCY)

I need you now. (LUCY)

When the music stopped playing, I realized I was head to head with Lucy, and only just a few inches separated our mouths. She realized to, and we separated both red in the face. Everybody was clapping hardly, and as the curtain went down, Lucy and I got of stage and hugged each other.

“We actually did it! The like us!” she said happily with a big grin on her face.

I was also very happy. They had clapped and whistled, and they had liked our song. I smiled back at her, with a big grin on my face, adrenaline running through my veins, having the urge to put my lips to hers and run my hands through her body, but conscious was stronger, and I knew it would not be wise. She smiled eagerly, like wanting to say something, but not finding the words. We stayed in a comfortable silence, until she said something that got me out of guard:

“You don’t have to play bad boy with me. I know you aren’t as Harry, Ron and Hermione tell me. I know you’re different. I know you’re not as bad as everybody sees”.

She stayed silent for a few minutes waiting me to say something, but I didn’t know what to say, so she just sighed and went away to the cheering crowd. I wanted to go after her, tell her what I felt, but I didn’t really know what I felt, so I decided just to go to the common room on my own and get some rest.

Every one patted my shoulder as I passed, or cheered me loudly, or even whistled. I have always been wishing for this to happen to me, but know, that it was happening, I didn’t really like it. Now I knew how Harry Potter felt.

 I said the password and laid on my bed. Everything that was going round my head, my heart still beating fast and I felt my stomach churning inside me. I was sweating, but my hands were cold like ice. Something was going to happen, I could feel it.

Draco Malfoy and the last ChanterWhere stories live. Discover now