Feeling helpless

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Feeling helpless

You sit and watch your family being torn apart

You can’t stop it, it hurts your heart

You have no voice meaning you can’t speak up

But you still try until you eventually give up

Curling up like a ball, you hide in the hall

Crying there alone, you can’t think but to run away from home

Maybe that would wake them up             

Maybe that will solve the severed issue

That I could never understand

I could have assisted them despite my age

But instead I will stay here alone confused and ashamed

But remember always when you’re feeling in hardship and pain

There are others out there, who feel worse or the same

So don’t blame yourself, or think it’s your fault

That will just make a horrible result

Thinking its over, when the silence comes

You crawl out of your hole and look upon

Nothing, there was nothing left the silence dragged on

Suddenly it starts again you hide and run

Watching the scene wanting to help

Theirs nothing you can do so you

 Feel helpless

Salaam hello again :)

I thought i would write about this because its hardship people sadly face daily .

Feeling helpless i called it  that because its when you really cant do anything but silently watch and wish for it to end 

I dedicated this to my friend Mimii because she told me to update Thankssss Mimii <3

I hope you liked it 

Thanks again for actually reading if you are  , for always remeber your a shining star 

By: poetme123

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