An unbreakable bond

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 An unbreakable bond

There are many sorts of unbreakable bonds

But I’ll talk about one specific one

This bond is brought together with strong love

Supporting each other and giving comforting hugs

Telling you it will be ok

“I’m here with you and here I’ll stay

They understand your emotions and how you feel

There always there for you when you’re in need

The funny talks you have together

The times you shared will remain forever

The calming words that kept you strong

You share with them

An unbreakable bond

This bond is between dear friends

I love them all to my heart’s content

Sure we had our ups and downs

But nobody’s perfect all around

I love you my friends you’re all dear to me

Seeing your faces makes me so happy

We share this thing and its very strong

Wait what do you call it?


An unbreakable bond


I wrote this while thinking of my beloved amazing friends at school were like sisters from different parents LOL


May ALLAH bless them Inshallah 

I couldnt dedicate this too one person because they are all way too special to me 







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