Chapter 1: The forbidden dungeons

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I couldn’t help watching out of the window and looking into the night sky. I hadn’t heard much about Crabbe and Goyle. I hope an owl comes soon from them. Even though I don’t admit it, I miss them. They are my friends, although they don’t have any brain in them.

Jusifer, the family black cat, gave a soft purr of satisfaction as Lucius stroked his back. I turned around to see his long, blond hair, just like mine, falling down his shoulders like snowy cliffs. His black eyes looked at me, and a grin came across his face. He was proud of me, and I was proud of it.

It was very difficult to satisfy my father. As a Death Eater, he expects me to worship You-Know-Who, just like him, but I don’t want to. I like being a neutral wizard, having money to not be like that poor Weasly family, and I’m not a Mudblood like Hermione. And that Harry Potter. He thinks he’s so great just because he’s got a scar on his forehead. Ugh. Thinking of him makes me want to vomit.

My father looked at me and seemed to read my mind.

“Follow me” he said, already walking downstairs.

I followed him into the forbidden dungeons of the house. Here he lead me into a dark corridor which ended with a dimly lit room, full of magical things, things to do Dark Magic. I looked at everything in the room, and something caught my eye. Two necklaces were dangling, each with a half heart, and both hearts fit perfectly together, making a whole silver heart. I felt something weird when I gazed at it, like a pang of guilt, not knowing why, like if those two necklaces weren’t suppose to be there, in that glass box.

Lucius saw me looking curiously at it, but didn’t say anything. The silence started to become unpleasant, so I decided to break it:

“What are these things?”

My father looked at me with a malicious grin, kind of weird. One side of his mouth was awkwardly in shape of a smile, but the other side serious. It gave me the creeps, and a shiver was sent down by my spine. He looked away, eying everything before answering me, and opened his mouth but suddenly shut it, like if he was going to say something, but thought twice. After a several minutes, that were more like several hours, he said something:

“Your future, my son. Your future.”

I was rather confused after that, and when my father started walking upstairs again, I stayed a few seconds more, and decided to go back to my room.

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