Chapter Ten

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Hayden's Pov:

I can 100% not loose annie she is the only won who knows me truely. She knew the real me before the whole famous thing became a title in my life. I am really scared I need to find my baby!

Kenzie: Hayden do you know where annie likes to go?

Hayden: ummm.... Wait!!

Carson and Conner: Where is she?

Hayden: She likes going to the ice cream parlor when she doesn't know whats going on!

JoJo: Then Johnny grab the keys we are going to the I ce ream Parlor!

Johnny: Okay

Jayden: I'm already outside slow pokes!

Mean While...

Annie: What do you want from me!!

??????: I want you to love me!!

Annie: I will never love you LUKE!

Luke: Yes you will!!!

Annie: Okay, I liked you a lot when I was back in maryland but I like someone else right now!

Luke: HAYDEN!!! You and Hayden ditched me I hated that! But once I saw you on Hayden's instagram I knew where you were!

Annie: Hayden! He is my boy friend and the best ever you are the worst! I hated that you rejected me when we were little!!!

Luke: You know what you are going to keep your mouth shut while I go edit this audio!

Annie: What Audio?

Luke: I have been taping this whole conversation word for word! Now I can edit it to make hayden turn against you and you will become mine!

Annie: Hayden knows me well enough to know thats not true.

Luke: How do you know.. He knows you used to like me so he might think you still do after this.

Annie: NEVER!

Luke: We will see!

Hayden: Wait stop the car I got a text from Annie!!

Kenzie: OMG is she safe?

Connor: what does it say?

Hayden: It's an audio.

Carson: Lets listen

JoJo and Johnny and Jayden: SHUT UP WE NEED TO LISTEN!!!!

"Annie" : Hayden, I liked you a lot when I was back in maryland, but I like someone else right now. You ditched me, I hated that! Hayden, LUKE is my boyfriend and the best ever you are the worst.

Jayden: Oml.. Hayden I'm-

Hayden: Save it I don't need to look for Annie anymore I really thought she liked me but I was apperently wrong! I knew she would never lose feelings for Luke. She has liked him since they moved into our neighboorhood!

Johnny: Hayde-

Hayden: LEAVE ME ALONE! *steps out of the car and walks home*

Kenzie: I know Annie and I know how to edit and this here audio did not sound like it was said word for word. Luke or who ever did this obviously cut and pasted a lot of stuff.

Connor: I dont know Kenzie that sounded pretty real.

Johnny: Lets go guys obviously Annie was a fake friend

Carson: Kenzie probably is too,

Jayden and JoJo: *Waited for everyone to leave* Kenzie we believe you. We know that ain't the real Annie we just have to convince them.

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