Chapter 4

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The next day............................

The bell rings and it's time for lunch. Annie sat with Carson and Johnny and Conner.

Annie: So all you guys are Hayden's friends? 

Conner: you are correct 

Johnny: yep!

Hayden comes into the lunch room and sees them sitting down. He slowly walks up behind Annie and tickles her.

Annie: *Laughs* Hayden I know it's you!

Hayden: I can never get away with it*laughs*

Carson:Geez you guys really do know each other so well.

Johnny:*Laughs* Hayden lets film a best friend tag on your YouTube channel!

Conner: Ya it can be you and Annie.

Hayden: I mean I am up for it how bout you Annie?

Annie: Sure, hey do you think we can do never have I ever on my channel?

Johnny: You have a channel?

Carson: wait how many subscribers do u have?

Annie: ugh....500,000

Conner: Well count that 500,001

Annie: Aw thanks Conner.

Conner: no problem

The school day ends and the weekend begins! Annie, Johnny, Conner and Carson all go to Hayden's house. Hayden also invited his friends Kenzie, Jayden, JoJo. They all show up at Hayden's house around 3:30.

Annie: Are these all your friends Hayden?

Hayden: yes this is Kenzie

Kenzie: Hi!

JoJo: I'm JoJo

Jayden: I'm Jayden!

Annie: Hi, I'm Annie! 

Johnny: Well should we get this YouTube video started?

Carson: Yes!

They all set up. Hayden and Annie are sitting on his bed. Everyone else is behind the camera finding questions of twitter.

Hayden: Hey guys so today I am reunited with my best friend from Maryland Annie Leblanc! Today we are going to do the Best friend Tag. We haven't seen or talked to each other in 10 years so let's see if we still know each other. Ya ready Anns 

Annie: I am pretty sure I am hay let's do this!

Hayden: Make sure to like and subscribe and go check out Annie Leblanc's Channel. I will put the link down below* Whispers* A hint we did Never Have I Ever. 

Annie: HAYDEN! 

Hayden: I forgot to tell you guys she hates sneak peeks!

Annie: I do* Giggles*

Hayden: well let's get to it.

Carson:okay first question is for Hayden, what is Annie's favorite color?

Hayden: Easy! Blue. I always know because of the hair band I always have on me.

Annie: You still have that!?

Hayden: of course!

Conner: Okay what is hayden's Favorite color?

Annie: Purple! Hayden, I still have the hair band too!

They finish Hayden's video! They plan to film Annie's video tomorrow so Annie, Kenzie, JoJo, and Jayden decided to have a sleepover at JoJo's house and they boys do the same at Carson's house. 

JoJo: Okay everyone knows what girls do at a sleepover....

Everyone: Gossip!

Kenzie: I will start! 

Annie: okay

Kenzie: I've kind of started to get feelings for Johnny...

Annie: My best friend has a crush on my best friend's best friend. *everyone laughs*

Jayden: I'll go next... I kind of like Connor...

JoJo: We love you jay but... I TOLD U SO ANNIE PAY UP!!!!

Annie: Nooooo... Here are your 5 bucks.

Jayden: what.

Kenzie: oh while you were in the bathroom today while filming, JoJo bet Annie that you liked Connor.

Jayden: oh😂

JoJo: Okay Annie your turn.

Annie: Fine! I have a crush on Carson and kind of have a crush on *********but not as much as Carson. 

Oooo cliffhanger sorry I did that I hate those. You will find out who*********is in the next chapter

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