Day One, Part Two: The First Challenge

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Cold. It was all too cold.

Marshmallow sat by the water, covered in a woolen blanket. MePhone was busy talking to Lightbulb and Baseball on the side, and as much as she wanted to use one of the listening devices from Walmart, she didn't have any on her because someone had torn up her card. But that was okay. Marshmallow felt that if she distanced herself from Apple enough, the beef between them would soon die out, and that would beat the feeling of loneliness that would surely happen in between.

So she was sitting next to Nickel, the two of them trying their absolute hardest to not freeze to death. Marshmallow brushed her dampened hair to the side, yearning the luxury of hair dryers back at the hotel. A sudden thought intruded her mind. Where were they going to stay? The houses that were originally put up during the first game were demolished after the season ended. Hopefully they wouldn't be thrown into a secret bunker or something, that would be horrible. Marshmallow shook her head to clear her thoughts and turned towards her neighbor.

"So, uh... How's it going?" Marshmallow asked, attempting to break the awkward silence between her and Nickel.

"Oh, you know. Trying not to die of hypothermia." He replied, not missing a beat.

Marshmallow laughed. "It's not that bad, is it?"

"Well, I don't see you taking your blanket off now, do I?"

"Hahaha..." Marshmallow turned away, letting the water drip down from her hair and onto her shoulders. "Right."


Another ten minutes passed of Marshmallow sitting in silence, draped in an overly soaked blanket and getting grass stuck to her wet legs when MePhone brought them a surprise - there would be no team choosing! ("Amazing..." Nickel groaned.) Instead, he planned on dividing then up based on when they fell into the water (and he made sure to rub it in how they were all dripping wet) and, for better or for worse, she was put onto the same team as Apple. As she picked up her blanket and walked over to Lightbulb to join her team, she couldn't help but notice the sneer Apple gave her. But she brushed it off; it was just her being immature. She found a spot, dropped her blanket on the grass, and sat down.

"So, you two decide on your team names," MePhone told the two captains, before promptly turning away and pulled Toilet aside to lecture him about some stuff. The two had been bickering nonstop since they had set eyes onto each other, and Marshmallow just wished the two of them would get along...

And so their team leader decided to suggest a name. "Well, I think we should be team Epi-"

As soon as the word 'Epic' began to form, Marshmallow cut her off with a quick slap to the face. "No!" She squeaked. "We are not going to have that name."

"Yeah, I have to agree with Marshmallow on that one. That was a terrible name." Paintbrush said, crossing their arms. The two exchanged glances, and Paintbrush nodded approvingly. Team Epic was definitely down low on the list of team names, as their team performance was, far, far from epic.

"Oh come on!" One of her teammates, and eccentric phone addict with bright red hair interjected, popping out from behind Paintbrush. She forgot his name, but she would learn it later. Maybe they could get to some legitimate icebreakers. "That name's a classic! The viewers love it when you pick an old name."

"Yeah, well," Paintbrush scoffed. "It was a pretty dumb name. Anyways, I definitely do not want to go through another season with a name like that."

"Ouch, guys, I really liked that name..." Lightbulb sulked, rubbing her sore cheek before visibly cheering up. "Well, that's a-okay! We can be the Bright Lights, since we're the brightest team, and we will light up this competition!"

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