a d-date?!

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...well just as wierd as it sounds....its my second day of highschool...and im already getting asked out........it felt wierd....u confused?...i guess i should speak in details then...

I woke up..normally a bit lazy...but still thinking about my day yesterday....hope it was...and i had gave a good impression....now....i woke up....brushed my teeth ....and sort of combed my hair...i tried to look as tidy as possible...actually covering the fact that my room is abit messy from yesterday.....

While i was walking down the street...normally..going to school...i saw that blue-haired girl.....what was her name again?.....oh! It was neon...i still remember the way she talked to me yesterday...but i didnt really bother recalling it....i had continued my way to school..well the school was far away from my house ...so i had to walk alittle far..adding that i didnt have breakfast today.....and i still have to keep on with my part time job as a server at a local restaurant......*sigh*

Without realizing it..i was in school...i  started going up to the third floor where my class belongs....i took a closer look as i found my self staring at the class carefully this time...i found that girl neon..staring at me..approaching me with a wierdly pleasent smile...i had put my bag down and rested my chin on the palm of my hand...as she approached me....

Neon: hey..sorry if i had gave a bad impression from yesterday..i was a bit extra hyper....

Me: uh..yeah..no problem i guess

Neon: how are you doing so far..got any girl in mind?


Well..of coarse i was shocked! It was still my second day of school!

Me: not really....

Neon: ..hmm fine..class is about to start..see you later!

I felt wierd ...simultaneously..i realized that girl with the flute from yesterday was staring at me from outside the class...our eyes locked..i felt her face turning slightly redish...i waved at her to break the silence...she waved me back and immediately ran away.....i had felt neon staring at me too....it was..awakward..

Finally the bell rang announcing the start of my first session......i had really focused on the lesson..to the point that i forgot that i was being watched from behind....by neon...

Anyways...the class ended...and i started to prepare my self to head out to my break...just as i realized melody again staring at me...from outside the clas...well since i was in the front seat...i guess i was the only one who saw her...

She signed my to come to her...i nodded....and there was the shock..

kurapika x first day in high schoolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang