Chapter Two

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Russia was the first to stand, looking almost disgusted if not for the sickening smile on his face. "Америка, if you want for me to give into such... such ridiculous requests such as to give up my own nation you--"

"No, no, that's not what I said~" He cooed. "You have to let a guy finish, Commie." The blond grinned widely. "I don't want your nations, that's just it! I want one thing and one thing only from you. Your armies." He smirked, knowing all too well they would still disagree. He had a trick in case things went south. England stood, eyes narrowed.

"Giving up our armies would leave us defenceless against invaders, you can't just exp--"

"Oh, but I do expect you to give up your armies. Japan and Vietnam already have and China is in the process of doing so." He said, looking over all of them. It seemed that no one else would stand up. About dig under the podium he saw Germany stand. Alfred only lifted a brow.

"Speaking for Germany, I will comply with America's sanctions if they promise a year without invoking war unless attacked." Ludwig said, knowing his elder brother would be enraged but he spoke for Germany. Him and him alone made the call. The grin America gave him honestly terrified him but the elder nation said nothing.

"Alrighty then~! I'll set up a meeting to finalize it then! Thank you for your cooperation!" He said cheerfully. "Anyone else wanting to go nice and easily?" He asked. Nations looked at each other silently.

"Oui. I will go as well." Francis said quietly. Alfred's lip twitched into a wider smile while Arthur looked simply appalled. Antonio looked, for once, a bit depressed. He had just lost both of his friends and America almost expected him to go as well. Upon hearing nothing for a solid minute he clapped his hands together loudly.

"Good! With that all sorted out I only have to worry about a few people." Alfred shot a glance at Russia in particular. "Now, meeting adjourned. Germany, France, I expect to see you at my place in a week. Greater Rochester International Airport in New York~!"

With that the American turned away from the others, a wide smile as he left. The remaining nations looked at each other before Germany started collecting his papers, eyes downcast. England piped up.

"Germany, you can't possibly be thinking of giving into every one of his demands, can you?"

"I want a world without war. The last thing we need is World War Three. And, if it does come, no one can put me at fault." He held in a pointed glare at the englishman who shrunk back a bit. A heavy sigh prefixed his next few words. "Yes, I am thinking of giving into his demands, simply to barter with him for the peace and assurance. Be it one month at a time or one year at a time. I beg all of you not to move against him unless he commits some great crime."

With that the Germanic nation picked up his bag and left the meeting room, followed by a few other nations. England was the last one left in the meeting room, staring at the table.

"...What have I raised...?"

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