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*Salem's POV*

"Do I have to come??" I whined as we drove to some rich person's house.
"Yes cause this is a reality show and you're going to spend a lot of time with them and I want you to get to know them," my dad laughed a bit.
"Fine," I groaned a little bit. We pulled up to the house and Courtney got out of the passenger side. I got out of the back and my dad got out of the driver side. He shut and locked the doors. "Follow me," he told us. He walked up to the house and knocked on the door. Courtney and I followed behind him. "Aye!" A tall black man opened the door, "Ma mans!" he gave my dad a bro hug and let us in. "These must be your daughters!" he smiled a wide smile at us.
"Yup! This is Courtney my oldest, who is going to help with the show," he pointed Courtney out.
"Hey!" she smiled and waved at the boys.
"This is my youngest daughter, Salem," he pointed to me.
"Hey!" I smiled and waved at them.
"Well anyways these are my sons and their girlfriends," the tall man told us, "I'm LaVar by the way. This is LaMelo, LiAngelo, and Lonzo." He pointed each boy out. They all said hi to us. I smiled at the boy who sat at the end of the couch, his arm slung around a girl. He smiled a bracey smile back. "I have braces too," I giggled.
"So do I," LaMelo winked at me. I laughed a bit and nodded at him. "This is my girl Dense," Lonzo told us.
"Nice to meet you guys!" she smiled at us, talking in a cheery voice. She seemed really cool. "This is Izzy," LiAgelo told us. Damn he had a sexy voice... It was deep. "Hello!" Izzy waved at us. I smiled back at her. "He's got a girl stop drooling over him," Courtney whispered to me, laughing a little bit. I shook my head and laughed a bit.

We spent about an hour or so getting to know them and stuff. Damn was LiAngelo hot. He was so fucking sexy. Everything about him was. His hair, his body, his voice, his laugh, his smile. Damn if he didn't have a girl I'd go for it but he seems loyal... "Aye you're Izzy's age," LiAngelo told me.
"Oh you're 17 too?" I asked her.
"Yeah," she smiled at me.
"Cool you must go to Chino then right?" I asked.
"Yeah where do you go??" she asked.
"In Los Angeles," I nodded, smiling small.
"Oh that's where Gelo is going to college," she smiled at me.
"Oh you're going to UCLA?" I asked him.
"Yeah," he nodded and smiled small at me.
"That's dope," I smiled small.
"Lonzo is there too, he's a Laker," she smiled at me.
"Oh that's really cool," I nodded.
"So how old is everyone?" Courtney asked.
"I'm 16," LaMelo told everyone.
"20," Lonzo said.
"I'm 24 (A/N- don't bash me I forget how old she is it's somewhere around there)" Denise nodded.
"You're that old?!" I looked at her, laughing a bit, "I thought you were younger."
"No," she laughed a bit.
"I'm almost 19," Gelo nodded.
"17," Izzy nodded.
"I'm 17 too," I nodded.
"I'm 25," Courtney nodded.
"Aren't you like the interviewer or whatever?" Melo asked.
"Yeah I ask you guys the questions about the stuff you guys did in the show," she laughed.
"Are you going to too?" Gelo asked me.
"No not till I'm 18," I shook my head.
"Oh okay," he nodded.

We stayed for awhile and we exchanged phone numbers with everyone. I really liked LaMelo and Denise as friends. Izzy was cool too. I just envy her cause she has LiAngelo and he was so hot. We got back to the car and I got my phone out to play a game on it on the ride home. "How do you like them?" my dad asked, driving.
"They are fun," I nodded.
"Wild," Courtney laughed, "But fun."
"Yeah they are a wild family," my dad nodded.
"They seem lit to be around though," I nodded.
"Agreed," Courtney nodded.


At about 7PM I was getting ready for a shower. I saw that I had gotten a text. From LiAngelo.

Wanna chill when I get back to LA?

I smiled at the text. A weird feeling in my stomach happened but I figured I was just hungry or something.

Sure why not, you're cool.

Sounds good. I'll text you.

I smiled small and got into the shower, thinking about LiAngelo...

*LiAngelo's POV*

The girls were inside talking and my brothers and I were outside shooting some hoops. "Okay can we agree that Salem is hot?" LaMelo laughed, shooting the basketball into the hoop. "She is hot," I agreed.
"Dude you're taken," Zo slapped my chest. I laughed a bit and shrugged. "She was hot!" I laughed, "You cant deny that."
"I'm going to because it's illegal," he laughed, shaking his head. LaMelo and I both laughed and we all continued to shoot hoops. Not going to lie, Salem is hot. She is so damn pretty. If she went to Chino I would've dated her instead of Izzy to be honest... It was weird, when she sat by me I got this feeling in my stomach. Damn I sound like some trash romance book. I don't know it was just weird I guess...

Ooo shittt. I hope you guys like the book, I'm excited for it!

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