Chapter 17 - "A little vodka would go a long way."

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[A/N I know, I know. I’m evil for leaving you with that cliffhanger. So here’s Chapter 17 for you peeps.

And oh my god, yes! Two updates in a week - To celebrate the fact that I got over a hundred more reads... IN UNDER A WEEK! ^_^ THANK YOU SO MUCH! 

Also, this chapter is dedicated to @minilemon, for all her comments and suggestions. I seriously appreciate it. x) ]

[Dean’s P.O.V]

(Previously on IWFFY - End of Chapter 17 in Dean's P.O.V)

For some reason, I couldn’t wait for Cass to meet Carter. Carter was mine, Jay and Al’s friend who had been in Juvie. I just had this feeling that they’d get along.

After busting her out of Stone’s class, Cass and I got on my Harley and made our way to the warehouse, where we were having a “Welcome Back” party of sorts for Carter.

We got to the warehouse to find Al, stood in the doorway of the room we usually hung out in.

“Well your Highnesses, you certainly took your own sweet time!”

I rolled my eyes and Cass chuckled, “Well, I had to save her from Stone.”

“Well don’t just stand there! He wants to see his brother from another mother and the chick – I mean girl - we like hanging around with,” He corrected himself when Cass shot a glare at him.

I pushed past him and found Carter standing there, grinning at me like he owned the fucking place.

“Douche bag!” He called out.

“Jackass!” I called back and we hugged laughing.

I missed the guy. We grew up practically brothers, since the days we used to around the neighborhood in our diapers, wreaking havoc.

We met Jay and Al in middle school and the four of us had been tight since.

We pulled apart and I turned to introduce him and Cass to each other. But when I looked at her, I was surprised by her expression. She looked stunned.  I turned back to see Carter with an almost similar expression on his face, except milder.

What was going on?

Carter smiled at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Hey Babe,” He greeted her with a strange familiarity. There was no way they’d know each other.

Was there?

Jay and Al were watching what was going on, looking as confused as I felt.

Cass finally managed to open her mouth and spluttered in shock.

It was safe to say I definitely did not see this coming.


Wait, What?!



Carter was C? But that didn’t make any sense! How could it?

I saw Cass snap out of it, then her expression changed. Shaking her head incredulously, she grinned at him.

“Carter O’Riley, you motherfucker.”

His grin widened, “The one and only.”

She ran at him and he held his arms out. She jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist, while he wrapped his around her back and they hugged tightly.

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