What happened

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He finally managed to talk to her after lots of effort and crying himself to sleep and more just overall sadness this continued for hours until he was finally like "hey I know we haven't talked much but I fucking love you" and then he left walking fast not looking back - embarrassed she - the most beautiful girl he had ever seen looked sad as fuck and she looked like she needed something someone in her life as he walked home alone music in his ears singing as he walked she followed him she watched him she noted he had a wonderful voice as he sang .she watched his back and kept watching him almost in a trance, she wasn't that attracted to him so why was she doing this she didn't know . she was cute and she knew it but no one had ever said something like that to her and she was shook so she kept following getting closer listening to his voice and it's wondrousness "never gonna give you up" she had a strange love for that song that no one else seemed to have ; until now of course she ended up getting closer until she was so close she could touch him she stayed close watching that no one was around until she stroked his arm down from the shoulder to the elbow he turned around suddenly startled he squealed and she blushed she grabbed his hands to calm him down pulled him closer and leaned was she going to kiss him right then she didn't know why she would this guy wasn't that good looking or anything but in a way she was sort of lonely so she leaned in to find out what he would do .
he retracted pushed her away wiped his lips then pulled her back in towards him and pressed his lips against hers they opened their moustache and let each other's tongues in they were stroking each other's tongues feeling the tiny contours of each other's taste buds nibbling at each others tongues teeth clicking which against eachother which was irritating and it agitated her . he liked how his teeth would feel on her tongue.but she started to regret her decision. at this point she noticed she couldn't breathe. she retracted reluctantly. took a deep breath. collapsed onto the cold hard ground she saw him reaching for her and then Blacked out.

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