Shes in pain this time

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Cayla: (looks over at the door) mommy I'm glad ur here (trying not to cry through the pain)

Bonnie: (smiles then goes over and hugs her)

Sofia: (sitting on the couch)

Claire: (hugs Cayla then sits by Dove)

Gomez: (walks in) everything is ready to go how are you feeling? On a scale from 1 to 10 oh btw I am Selena Gomez's mother

Cayla: I'm in so much pain I'd say a 7 and what really I love your daughter's music it's amazing

Gomez: ok let me check ur cervix and yah she's pretty good I'm proud of her

Cayla: does it hurt?

Gomez: just a little bit (checks it) everything looks great (looking) your 2 centimeters dilated

Cayla: great this is going to take forever to hit 10

Chad: (playing with his hospital socks)

Cayla: what are you doing? (giggles)

Chad: I made a hand puppet

Cayla: (giggles) your making this so much better thanks

Chad: I'm trying (pulls out his camera and starts to video)

Cayla: plz don't video me I look ugly u know this

Chad: hey your not ugly why do you keep telling yourself that i think ur beautiful

Cayla: aw thanks and fine you can video me if you want

Chad: (videos)

Cayla: I'm totally in so much pain but your making it better

Chad: (waving at the camera)

Cayla: (has a contraction)

Chad: (holding her hand)

Dove: (takes a picture) sorry but this is so cute u guys

Cayla: (leans back after in pain) why'd u take that I look ugly and I'm in total pain so it's even worse

Dove: I think u look cute

Claire: yah it's cute

Cayla: sure I bet it is

Carter: (knocks) may I come in?

Cayla: ok fine ur allowed in here

Carter: (comes in to sit by Sofia) anything happen yet?

Sofia: Chad is videoing everything

Carter: (waves to the camera)

Sofia: (lays her head on his shoulder)

Thomas: (knocks) it's Thomas

Cayla: come in

Thomas: (walks over to Dove)

Dove: (goes to hug him)

Cayla: hey don't leave me (makes a sad face)

Dove: I'm just getting warm then I'll come back

Claire: (taking a picture of Cayla)

Cayla: take pictures of Sofia and her Bf not me

Claire: (turns around) aww that is cute (takes a pic then takes one of Dove and Thomas)

Cayla: (an hour later) chad!!?

Dove: he'll be back he's getting himself food

Cayla: I know I just wish he'd hurry

The Worst Scene (of the movie)Where stories live. Discover now