Chapter 12

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Syann Pov

School just ended and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep, I was so exhausted especially with all that damn crying. I feel like nothing but a wimp crying over a damn boy, damn who am I kidding Cameron was freakin hot!!! I made my way to my car and drove home and I see a boy hunched over sitting on the front steps of my house. I park my car and walked to the person , he lifted his head and I was already shaking my head.

"no" I said walking around him and walking up the stairs

"Syann let me explain please" Cameron said quickly getting up and grabbing my wrist

"no I gave you an opportunity and you just yelled at me, shoot I even apologized for what reason? I don't even know" I said ripping my wrist out of his hold and quickly slammed the door in his face. I wiped my face as I felt tears coming out, I'm angry because when he yelled at me I felt like a child. I quickly ran upstairs and wrapped myself in my blanket and went to sleep.

I woke up to my phone vibrating and saw that Hailey was calling me but I ignored it and saw that somebody called me 12 times and there's 26 messages and by reading them it was sent from Cameron. I rolled my eyes and went downstairs and saw everyone sitting down eating at the table.

"hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" my mom said while my father leaned back in his chair and crossed his arm obviously wanting an explanation.

"I'm just hungry" I said pushing my hair out of my face and quickly went and served myself a plate of food and began eating, while everyone continued eating but you can tell it's awkward now.  My dad cleared his throat.

"do you want to tell me and your mom why Cameron was sitting outside on the porch?" he said, I just shrugged my shoulders 

"are you sure? because he told your mom to tell you that he is very sorry, so I'm a little confused as to what the little frudger did" my dad said pissed

"hun" my mom said gesturing to the twins

"what ? they gotta learn to protect their sister but also to treat girls right, are you listening boys?" my dad said looking at them, they both saluted. I laughed 

"sweety, what did he do?" my mom asked with concern in her eyes 

"he just yelled at me and I don't appreciate being yelled at so I'm not talking to him" I said shrugging my shoulders

"I'll kill him" dad yelled standing up

"yeah" the twins said standing up too 

"there won't be any killing" mom yelled at them while I was finishing my food 

"the only people that allowed to yell at her are her parents not some punk who thinks he's all high and mighty cause I'll knock him down" my dad said 

"lets kick him in the balls" Logan yelled raising his fist in the air 

"let's burn his car " London yelled also raising his fist in the air 

"YES" my dad agreed

"NO" mom quickly said, I smack my hand on my forehand and shook my head

"and why the hell not?' my dad asked

"we got to know the whole story before jumping the gun" my mom said 

"let's get a gun" London said 

"mister you better shut that mouth of yours " my mom said and he pretend to zip him mouth and throw away the key

"let's just hear what happen and  if you do something stupid and get arrested, I can promise you that I'll leave there for two days" my mom said to my dad

"fine" he said sitting back down

"Syann, what happen?" my mom asked , so I explain to them what happen between me and Cameron and the way he acted.

"maybe he was stressed sweety" my mom said grabbing my hand while my dad grabbed my other hand 

"or he's just mad that you didn't give it up to him the first night" my dad said, my mom quickly smacked him in the back of his head, the twins laughed as did I. 

"just give him a chance to explain and then you can decided if you want him to stay away or not" my dad said while grabbing his plate and putting it in the sink and the twins follow in pursuit.

"we're still gonna kill him right?" I heard London ask my dad 

"I'll let you know later" I heard my dad mumble back to him  

"the answer is no and no more talking about it before people will think were crazy" my mom said heading in the kitchen with our plates.

"they already do with the twins driving everyone insane and lets not forget when Oliver got so drunk and decided to run around the neighborhood naked with his friends" my dad said while we all broke out laughing. 

"dad, remember when you had to tackle him" I said laughing 

"and I'm over here running around with the towels to cover them, thank god the police didn't arrest them" mom said laughing 

"horrible yet funny night" dad said sigh remembering the good times before they got older and moved on.  

"movie time" the twins said as we all gather around in the livingroom and decided to put on the Incredibles. 


I honestly love the twins!!! To my readers I wanted to say HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES!! I love every single one of you and you can now follow me on Instagram and Twitter my username is Shadowfallsx44 <3 

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