Why Students Shouldn't Teach

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"Where's the room, erm... negative 100? Am I reading this right?" MC said puzzled. Willow took MC's schedule and flipped the page "There" she said. As MC walks in, he trips and falls onto the teacher. Mrs. Janet look through her huge traffic cones into MC eyes and whispered softly "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CLASSROOM!" as she tossed MC out. "Oh, I didn't know we were filming porn at school today? Must have missed the memo." Brayden said as he walked in. Willows face turned a bright red and lightly slapped MC not trying to hurt him, "You idiotic pervert!" She crossed her arms and blushed. "I wanna huh?" MC said confused since the whole ordeal happened so quickly. MC glumly walked down to the principal's office but before he opened the door he turned left and started walking up the stairs. "I bet if I just stay out of class for a while I can get out of this," he said as he dashed up the stairs bumping into Tala. Since MC is a weakling he fell down the stairs backward. "Ow! Tala how are you so strong?" he said in pain. "The real question is how weak are you?" she said as she helped him up. "Well, I'm guessing you did something to get you thrown out of class since it started 8 minutes ago." "Yeah I tripped and fell on this teacher's chest... then Willow slapped me and well now I'm here," he said with disappointment. "How about you?" She gave him a look "Texting in class, but it was my mom so how can I be blamed?" "I blame it on the emojis," MC said, they both laughed.

Next period they both snuck into the class by crawling through the open door, this proved effected since no one noticed. As MC looked around "Hey, where's the teacher? I heard if their 15 minutes late you can leave class." he proclaimed. Willow gave him a worried look and walked up to him from across the room. "MC, I teach this class, if you even call it teaching. No teachers wanted to help me with elective and since my dad owns the school I'm forced to do it. The worst part is that it's my first time doing this and I'm super nervous." MC sighed. "Well if you need help give me a signal, like coughing. I know what I'm doing because when I was in 6th grade I was the teacher for 15 minutes. Yes I know, I'm just that good." he said in a slick voice. Willow rolled her eyes and nodded. "H-hey everyone, please quiet down! Heh..." Willow said nervously. "HEY, SHUT YOUR DUMB DUMB BUBBLEGUM LOOKIN~ASS THE FRICK UP AND listen TO HER!" MC roared. Suddenly the room went dead silent, it was surely the worst awkward tension anyone could experience. "Wow, that worked, heh. Hello fellow classmates, I'm Willow Dr-" "Is there any homework?" Trevor interrupted. "Well if you listen to me and work hard I doubt so, as I was saying I'm Willow Dr-" "Teeaacchhherr can I go to the bathroom?" Matt said. "EVERYONE STAYS HERE UNTIL I FINISH.. got it?" she said as her face was turning red. "For the last time... Hello fellow classmates, I'm Willow Dre-" "SPEAK UPPPPP. Also wait so if we're in an auditorium, are we going to be acting? Oh BTW can I leave I hear Ronald McDonald calling my name? Bye." Felecia said as she slipped out. Willow stomped off stage, clearly pissed. "Well, maybe she's on her per-" "NO. Don't piss her off more Brayden, I'm going to quickly talk to her. If you guys were respectful then we'd probably be done by now." MC took a deep breath. Why is always me who has to do everything? he said to himself.

MC climbed up the stage and went into the back room where he found Willow crying. "Well at least they're not as bad as the kids in my 7th-grade health class back in the day... all those Helen Keller jokes... I miss the good old days... MC said reflecting. Willow, if you want I'll help you.. honestly I don't mind." he said softly. "R-really? Thanks. I just hate myself. My social anxiety prevents me from having any hope of being a normal person, let alone a teacher." MC gave Willow a teddy bear hug. "You're perfect! Flawless. Social anxiety is only a minor setback, if you think positively and believe you can do it you will overcome it. So want to go back out there with me? Come on." MC said as he grabbed Willows hand and pulled her out of her chair and back onto the stage.

An Alternate My BlockOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora