"level 1"

69 1 1

"you're being stubborn!"

"i am not! you're just being unfair!"

"you know you can't come over today. i told you before."

"but you promised!"

"stop yelling! and i'm sorry but no."

they had gotten into another arguement. it's been happening a bit more lately, and michael hated every time.

michael sighed as his eyes started to swell with tears but he quickly stopped it, "fine." he said in a whisper, jeremy almost didn't hear him.

jeremy had gone to say something else but michael pulled his hoodie up and turned to walk away. he couldn't believe how stubborn he was sometimes.

he went inside, yelling an 'i'm home' to his dad who was somewhere in the house. or so he thought until he saw a little blue sticky note on the fridge door.

gone to work! be home around midnight
-dad xx

jeremy shrugged, grabbed a water battle and headed upstairs. guilt started to creep around the corner as his phone dinged and he saw a snapchat notification.

my world💞

he hesitated but opened only to see it was streaks, he let out a sigh of relief. he felt bad for lying to michael, but he really needed to think about something and he knew michael being here would throw that thought off. he let out another sigh and lied face first into his bed, eventually drifting into a sleep. he'll think about it later.


michael slammed the front door closed as he entered his home and he finally broke down.

it hurt so much whenever they had fought. it hurt so much. but he knows jeremy won't know this. he needed a distraction, and fast. he texted christine - christine always had a way of cheering anyone up - and hoped she was available.

to christine; hey chris ?

from christine; yeh mikey?

to christine; are u busy

to christine; i kinda need someone rn

to christine; but its totally fine if yr like busy!!!

from christine; heyhey! its all good, want me to come over?

to christine; pls

from christine; alright, be there in 10 :)

to christine; door is unlocked.

he slid his glasses off and wiped his face, then proceeded to make an attempt to get to his room, he made it as far as the couch when he plopped down.

he was exhausted, mentally and physically.

he didn't realize how fast 10 minutes had passed until he heard his front door open and a voice to follow, "mike! i'm here!"

"living room!"

he slid more down the couch so his chin and mouth was covered by his hoodie. she heard footsteps, five footsteps then christine popped into veiw.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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