"I knew that already." I whisper to them and they all break out in laughter.

"Hey, it's not nice to talk about me. Charlotte you have to sleep with me so I'd suggest you stop." Henry teases and I roll my eyes.

"Don't push your luck you twat." I say. He bites his lip and that's when I decide to notice my baby is missing.

"Where is Aaron?" I ask.

"He's on his play bed, sleeping." Aiden answers. He walks back to where he was sitting before and faces his father.

"Can we eat the cookies now ?" Aiden asks.

"Not yet, we have to wait for guests!" Ashton yells and Avan sighs loudly while Aiden groans.

"Grow up you babies!" Ashton says aggressively to them and Henry chuckles.

"Hey Ash buddy, it's okay. We did all that hard work, they can have one cookie." Henry reasons but Ashton shakes his head fervently.

"No, that's not nice. It is umpolite -"

"Impolite," Henry interjects Ashton.

"Yeah that's what I said." Ashton smiles sheepishly and this time I chuckle. Henry pats his head at the same time there is a knock on our door and a slight buzz sound is heard which can only be our doorbell.

"Guests!" Ashton yells.

"Cookies!" The other two yell.

"Sh! You'll wake up Aaron." I say and they cover their mouths. We all leave the kitchen as I check on Aaron, and the boys follow Henry to the front door. 

"Uncle Jasper!" The boys yell.

"Hey, I'm here too." Chloe scoffs and they all pour into the living room. Aaron looks up at me and he's quite angry. He can be a huge grump when he's woken up out of his naps. His little eyebrows are scrunched up and his lips are pursed. I smile and just pick him up.

"Come on bubs, we'll go sleep upstairs." I say and he just stays with that mad face. Henry closes the door.

"Aunty Charlotte!" I hear a little voice call and I smile.

"Aw, it's my favorite neice and nephew. Hi Emmy. Hey Jack." I say to the both of them. Emily giggles and waves to me which causes me to wave back at her. Chloe is holding her on her hip even though that girl there is more than capable of walking. Jackson runs to my legs and hugs them almost making me fall.

"Whoa there bud," I rub his back and pat his head, " I'm going to go put Aaron to sleep upstairs and then I'll be back down

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"Whoa there bud," I rub his back and pat his head, " I'm going to go put Aaron to sleep upstairs and then I'll be back down." I say to Jackson who just nods his head then lets go of my legs. He runs back over to my boys and they all start whispering and I roll my eyes. Keeping secrets already, sheesh.  I quickly make my way upstairs where it takes a while for Aaron to go back to sleep but eventually I'm putting him in his crib, turning on the baby monitor and leaving the room. I close my door and head back down to the party. I see the kids in the living room which must mean that the parents are in the kitchen.

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