So Called Failure

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“Well, what the fuck do you want me to do?” I screamed with anger, I know I shouldn’t with her being sick and all,but  f.i.s.h. y.o.l.o. (fuck it shit happens, you only live once.)

“Figure it out” My mother sighed. I knew she was getting sicker, but every time I help her I mess up. Like, when I was going to put her medicine out for her in the morning, I kinda slipped and knocked over the pills and they fell on the floor, or when I was going to open the curtains in her room when it was too dark, I accidently pulled to hard and knocked the rod on her head. I never do it right.

It all started when she dropped out of high school, she was a drug addict, and worse of all pregnant with me. She dropped out as a Junior, almost killed herself with all the stress, when she told my father, Gavin, she was pregnant he ditched her, I’m talking about him moving all the way from Florida to Washington. I never saw my father, ever, and apparently I have like 50 brothers and sisters. He’s a douche bag who goes around, fucks girls, and moves away. Somebody needs to chop his wiener off so he wont have anymore kids. One good thing did come out of it, I got his eyes. Dark blue circle and in the middle the brightest blue ever seen. Guys drool over my eyes. To bad I’m takin. <3

Anyways, I tried to warn her since I was 5 to stop doing that stupid shit, but she had excuse for excuses. I mean what all can a 15 year old do? All that shit she smoked caused her to get lung cancer, It hurt watching her die. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2012 ⏰

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