The Descendant Materialization (G)

Start from the beginning


"What? That was funny."

You seriously have the best boyfriend.

As Barry unpacks the food, his and your phone start going off. You answer yours as you drool over the fast food spread out in front of you.

"(Y/N), you gotta get down here." It's Winn. "There's something you have to see." His tone is strange. Not quite urgent, but sort of weirded out.

"Winn, what's going on? Is there trouble?" You shoot a look to Barry, on the phone with who you're assuming is Cisco. It sounds like they're having a similar conversation.

"Not trouble..."

"We're on our way."

You fly at top speed to the DEO. What could it be now? Another alien attack? More high-priority superhumans on the loose? Whatever it was, you were ready.

You arrive at the building the exact second Barry does. Damn. You thought you had him beat this time. The DEO crew all stands in a huddle at the other end of the room. You stride over to them.

"Hey!" you call out to them. "What's going on?" All heads turn at the sound of your voice.

"You'll never guess. Like ever," Winn teases.

"What was the call about?" Barry asks, very confused by all the secret keeping.

"Dude, I know it's way too early, but congratulations," Cisco says patting him on the back. Barry and you share a WTF? glance.

"What-?" The gang's huddle opens up and reveals a beautiful long legged girl, possibly in her late teens. Long hair, bright eyes. And when she lays eyes on you and Barry, the girl's face lights up like a Christmas tree. She walks up to both of you and wraps her arms around you in a big group hug. This pretty teen kind of looks familiar, but you don't know why. Who is this? Should I know her?

"You both look so young!" she squeals with joy.

"Sorry, um, who might you be, exactly?" you ask her.

"I'm Ellie. Ellie Allen. Your daughter!"

Okay, maybe you weren't ready. If your expression is anything like Barry's, you're wide-eyed and mouth left agape. You look around at your friends for help, an explanation. Anything.

"Dibs on godfather!" yells Cisco.

Winn argues, "Hey, so not fair!"


"What's Back to the Future?"

"Oh my God!" Cisco shouts. "Barry, (Y/N), you've already officially failed at becoming parents."

"I think what Cisco is trying to say, Ellie, is that it's not good for someone to know too much about their future," Barry tries to explain. "And, no offence, you might be that 'too much.'"

"I'm sorry, Dad," she apologizes. Whoa. That was a shock to the system. "When I ended up here, I didn't know what to do. But then when I learned what year it was, I remembered you guys telling me you used to work for the DEO together when you were younger. So I came here."

J'onn steps in with the question, "And how exactly did you come to be here in this time?"

"Training exercise gone wrong, apparently. See, my teammate slash rival has teleportation powers and I guess she overshot by many years."

"What kind of training exercise are we talking about?" you ask. Ellie looks at you with so much awe and love. It completely blows your mind how much she looks like both of you at once. Ellie giggles.

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