37 1 0

December 4, 2017
(trigger warning?)

The morning will come again
Because no darkness, no season
Can last forever

But i'm alone in this dark winter, the wind blowing through my hollow bones, bouncing off my rib cage tearing my insides apart.

The morning will come again
Because no darkness, no season
Can last forever

but why does time have to hate me?
always taking it's sweet time, teasing me of the grasp of the morning light.
the darkness is swallowing me whole, and soon I will perish, but in the distance I see the flicker of morning light.
attempting to free myself from the grasp of the night.

The morning will come again
Because no darkness, no season
Can last forever

I used to once love the night, i'd spend my summer nights awake until the morning came, sitting by my window sill looking at the stars, I used to find peace at night, and now it tears me apart, alone with the darkness and my thoughts.
and that's what tears me apart, my thoughts the thought of skin being slit, and the reality of death, and how easily it could be reached.

The morning will come again
Because no darkness, no season
Can last forever.

but this does feel like forever, I can no longer keep track of time, has it been seconds, minutes, hours, days, years?
i'm lost in the stars,
I wanna dream with the stars; meaning I wish my body was cold on the ground and other days I wish I were just at my window sill looking at their beauty.
now i'm stuck in between both reality's, do I want my body cold on the ground or wrapped in a blanket with a cup of coffee in my hands?

The morning will come again
Because no darkness, no season
Can last forever

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