Chapter 2

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Note: This chapter was written by my best friend Hannah (@hannahsmannequin) SHE'S AWESOME! I LOVE YOU HANNAH! anyway.. you all can read the chapter now.. hehe.. ^_^

I was awoken by a loud swoosh, a thump, and a big obstruction in the middle of my bed. I put on my glasses and realized that the 'thing' laying next to me was Jack.

"Jack, what the hell are you doing?!" I ask smiling, as he looks at me with his usual goofy grin.

"I thought I'd come wake you up. You know, the early bird gets the worm, or whatever," he said. "Come on, wakey wakey, time to make me some eggs and bacey!" he got back off the bed and jumped onto me, and proceeded to do so until i finally decided to get up.

"Alright, alright! I'm up, I'm up."

He gives me that goofy half-smile again, and wraps his hand in mine as we walk to the kitchen. When we get there, i get out the breakfast supplies while he takes a seat at the counter.

"So how did you sleep last night?" I ask.

"Really good, actually. It's a lot better than that stupid bus," he said. "Rian was right-it did stink in there." we both laugh and our eyes lock for a good five seconds before he speaks again. "Hey, have you seen Alex?"

I look around my shoulder. "No, but apparently someone has..." We both look towards the doorway and see Alex and Anna strolling through in a similar fashion as we had earlier.

"Shit, breakfast?! She's a keeper Jack!" Alex says, making Jack blush. He slaps Alex in the forearm and they continue their fight wihle Anna comes to help me. She takes a deep yawn, and looks admiringly at Alex.

"Good night last night?" I ask.

"Good is definitely an understatement!" she says excitedly, and both Alex and Jack start grinning. "Uh, I'll tell you about it later," she says in a quiter tone.

I give her an approving smile and a fist bump, and turn back to the stove. Breakfast was almost ready. We serve Alex and Jack, and then seat ourselves next to them at the table while they tell us about their tour so far.

"Fuck, that was fantastic," Alex says not quite five minutes later when he finishes his second helping. "Home cooking is the bomb!" He and Jack exchange a high five, and then he turns to Anna. "So now that breakfast is over, maybe you could uh, give me a tour of the city?"

"Of course! Let me just get changed and we can go!" Anna says, smiling from ear to ear. I can tell that she is really starting to like Alex, and he feels the same way. I'm so happy for her! Alex seems like a great guy.

'Speaking of great guys,' I think to myself, and look at Jack, who is rubbing his stomach contentedly. "What are your plans for the day, Jack?"

"Well, I think I'm going to have to repay you for that kick-ass breakfast," he says. I see his face light up, and I can tell he has an idea. "How about you go put on a swimsuit-preferrably a bikini-and meet me back here in twenty minutes?"

"Sounds like a plan," I say. He gives me one more goofy grin, and I turn to leave.

"Oh, wait! There's one more thing," Jack says, and before I know it, he's pulling me by the arm close into his chest. He kisses me, short and sweet, and I begin to kiss back. Before we know it, three whole minutes have passed, and we're still sitting there, cuddling happily. He kisses me one last time, then pulls away. "No time for face sucking, you need to get ready!" He playfully scolds me, and then pushes me out of the room to work on whatever he's scheming. I rush out of the room so Jack doesn't see the gigantic smile covering my entire face. I'm more excited about my day with Jack than I probably should be, but i don't care. I replay the kiss over and over again in my mind as i pick out a swimsuit to wear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2012 ⏰

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