(CH7) Secrets and Confusion

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Song: New Religion by: Duran Duran 

"I need a reason I can't think without one now too much learning got to show call it treason maybe catch her, don't know how too many things, too much to know." - New Religion by: Duran Duran 



Davina and Zelena were standing in the same room. So many emotions Davina was feeling. 

“Say something Davina you haven’t spoken to me since...”

“Since you told me that your my mother?”


Davina didn’t know what else to say let alone think.

“Davina I need your help and together we can make this happen.”

“Make what? Bring back Rumplestiltskin”

“Yes I need him alive besides one does not kill the dark one completely.”

“Why do you need Rumplestiltskin?”

“I’m going to bring back everyone in this town from the Enchanted Forest and bring them back here. Way I can do a little curse myself.”

“What exactly is that?”

“For me to know and you to stay out of.”

Davina gave Zelena a rude look. “Then how can I trust you if you won’t tell me what it is?”

“Davina I don’t want you in my mess in fact I don’t want you seen around town when everyone comes back. People will start asking questions and we don’t need anyone knowing about you.”

“You mean about me being your daughter.”

“Trust me Davina it’s safer that way.”

“I need some air I’m going to take a walk.” Davina walked out of the room and shut the door. She felt her head spinning too many emotions se was feeling. 


“Rebekah what on earth are you doing here in Wonderland?” Elijah said as he looked at Rebekah with gratitude that she was there. 

“It’s a bit of a long story that Davina and Tinkerbell helped me find you. Well mostly Davina.”

“Well I’m glad you are here but how?”

“I told you it’s  bit of a long story.”

“No he means how are you here without being a pile of dust?” The Red Queen said as she walked over to Elijah and Rebekah.

“Oh...” Was all Rebekah could say.

“Vampires can’t live in Wonderland so please enlighten us.”

“Back off  Allerleirauh.” Elijah shouted.

The Red Queen face went blank.

“This is my sister you are talking to and as an Original vampire you will show here respect as anyone else in my family you understand?”

“Wait your Allerleirauh?” Alice asked

“Don’t make it something that it’s not.” The Red Queen said in angry.

“Well the secret is out now lets get moving before Jafar gets here.” Will said.

“Wait the Red Queen she said she would help us find Cyrus.”

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