(CH1) A New Life

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Enchanted Forest: 

Clarissa stepped off of the ship and was now looking at the kingdom she would now call home.

“Anastasia my love we are now home” Prince Henry handed his hand to Clarissa waiting for her to take his hand.

Clarissa looked at Prince Henry and took his hand. So many emotions she was feeling as she walked into the castle. 

“You will now be called Princess Anastasia and tomorrow morning we will announce to the people we have found you.” Prince Henry handed Clarissa off to a servant to take care of her. 

   As Clarissa walked into her room all she could think about was Peter Pan. Since they are connected through a protection spell Clarissa knew Pan was in danger. But who had him? Or what happened? Was all Clarissa could think about. For this reason was why Clarissa barley spoken a word to anyone in the Kingdom.

Pan was held hostage in a cell way at the bottom of the kingdom way no one could find him. 

“She’s now here and I can’t wait to see her kill you. You and that mother of yours.” A soldier said to Pan as he was guarding the cell. 

 “She won’t kill me.”

“Oh is that so? Your a villain and all villains must die. You worthless being.” 

The soldier open the cell door and went to attack Pan with his sword.

“You hurt me you hurt Clarissa.”

“You liar.”

“I’m telling the truth she did a protection spell whatever happens to me happens to her.”

“All lies!” The soldier yelled and cut Pan on the hand with his sword and shut the cell door.

Pan’s hand was now bleeding. Pan sat in the cell watching his hand bleed he had no regrets of being captured but he did wish Clarissa never connected him with her. 

  Clarissa was trying to go to sleep in her new room that was very strange to her. When she felt her hand getting cut. She turned on the light and instantly knew Pan was in trouble. Clarissa looked at her bleeding hand  and used magic to heal the wound. Clarissa knew she had to find Pan and save him from whatever danger he was in. 

The following morning Clarissa was awaken by servants telling her to get up and get dressed. They dressed her in a beautiful dress. Clarissa now looked like a real life princess. 

That same morning the soldier that was guarding Pan’s cell was talking to Prince Henry. 

“Once the people know Anastasia has been found and she is crowned the next queen of this kingdom. I will then have her kill Pan’s mother and him.”

“Sir Pan said the most outrages thing last night.”

“What did he say?”

“That him and Anastasia are connected as one. Whatever happens to him happens to her.”

Prince Henry face went blank. Was it true? 

“I cut his hand with a sword not believing him. But your majesty what if Pan is telling the truth?”

“Then we must find out call the servant who is taking care of her in here.”

The servant came and Prince Henry order her to look at Clarissa hand but that morning as Clarissa was getting ready. The servant looked at her hand and saw nothing. The servant reported back to Prince Henry and told him there was nothing on her hand.

Enchanted Forest: The War & Wonderland, The Game & The BloodWhere stories live. Discover now